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Routine by Design: How to Build Routine Around Goals


Audrey Rosyadi

Marketing Coordinator - 24 Sep, 2024


Our world is brimming with endless distractions and demands. With our attention pulled in so many directions, it’s easy to become entrenched in a routine that is unplanned and reactive. How much more efficient would your day be if you weren’t just going through the motions?

In this article, we’re sharing the steps to take to build a “routine by design” - one that is intentional, mindful, and effective. By creating purposeful daily habits (and using some of the best apps for daily routine) you can support both short and long-term goals.

Start small by following these steps.

Define Your Goals

The first step in designing an effective routine is to clarify what you want to achieve. To do this, it's crucial to identify key areas in your life where you seek improvement. These may include your career, health, personal development, relationships, or financial wellbeing.

Identify Key Areas

Take a moment to reflect on the major areas of your life. What aspects resonate most deeply with you? Where do you feel the need for growth or change? Any goal is worthwhile as long as it improves your life in some way - even keeping your kitchen more organized or cleaning your car regularly.

Set Specific Goals

Once you’ve identified your focus areas, it’s time to set specific goals. Use the SMART criteria to ensure your goals are:

  • Specific - Clearly define what you want to achieve.
  • Measurable - Determine how you will track your progress.
  • Achievable - Ensure your goals are realistic and attainable.
  • Relevant - Align your goals with your broader life aspirations.
  • Time-bound - Set a deadline for achieving your goals.

There are some great apps for daily routine that can help with this. Use tools to help you articulate your most important goals and set up milestones that you can track.

Prioritize Goals

Having goals is one thing: figuring out how to knock them out is another. With your goals defined, it's essential to prioritize them. Rank your goals based on their importance and the potential impact they will have on your overall well-being and success. This process will help you focus your efforts on what matters most.

Break Goals into Actionable Steps

Now that you have a clear understanding of your goals, it’s time to break them down into actionable steps. Broad goals often feel overwhelming, so breaking things down into pieces that are easier helps a lot.

Reverse Engineer Your Goals

Start with the end in mind. Visualize what achieving each goal looks like and work backward to identify the steps needed to get there. This reverse engineering process will help you create a roadmap to success.

Daily and Weekly Actions

Once you’ve identified the necessary steps, break them down into daily or weekly tasks. These smaller, manageable actions can easily be incorporated into your routine, making it less daunting and more achievable. Sit down with your calendar and plot the daily and weekly tasks associated with your efforts. This process is a great time to take advantage of some of the best apps for daily routine (more on that below).

Use Shift for Task Management

To keep everything organized, utilize Shift’s Workspace and app integration features. Shift allows you to consolidate all goal-related web resources in one place, streamlining your approach to task management. For example, if you use Todoist, you can keep that open in your Shift browser so that it’s simple to toggle back and forth between the app and other programs.

Related Post: Integrating Apps Into Your Browser


Crafting Your Routine

With your goals and actionable steps outlined, it’s time to craft your ideal routine - in other words, Routine by Design.

Map Out Your Ideal Day

Start with a timeline of your day, identifying your most productive times and energy levels. Understanding when you work best can help you allocate time for your most important tasks.

Additionally, keep track of which times are “off limits”. For example, family dinner or a morning yoga class. If you can reserve time for activities that help your health and wellness, you’re more likely to stick to them.

Related Post: Apps to Help You Get Back Into a Routine


Allocate Time Blocks for Key Activities

Designate specific time blocks for high-priority tasks, breaks, and personal activities. As you map your day, begin by setting aside time blocks for your most crucial tasks. The last thing you want to do is “find time” for these things later on. By structuring your day, you create a framework that encourages focus and productivity.

Integrate Goal-Oriented Tasks

Ensure each time block includes tasks that directly contribute to your goals. This integration keeps your objectives top of mind in your daily actions. Some people like to come up with a system like color coding, so that when they look at their calendar, they have a visual of which goals they’re working on with each time block.

Shift’s Role

Leverage Shift to create dedicated Workspaces for different aspects of your routine. This organization can enhance your focus and efficiency, limit distractions and interruptions, and keep frequently used tools front and center.

Implement and Adjust Your Routine

The final step is to implement your routine and be open to adjustments. Remember, this is an ongoing process, not a “set it and forget it” effort.

Start Small

Begin with a simplified version of your routine to avoid feeling overwhelmed. As you grow comfortable, gradually add more elements to enhance your daily structure. Start with a few key priorities for each day and layer others from there.

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Track Your Progress

Pay attention to your new routine and note what is working and what isn’t. Then, make the appropriate adjustments. For example, if you find that an 8 am yoga class is just too early and you dread going, look for a new, more realistic time slot. This is much more productive than just beating yourself up for not going.

Stay Flexible

Life is dynamic, and so are our goals. As you change your goals or lifestyle, you’ll need to tweak your routine. Being flexible is essential if you want to maintain a fulfilling routine.

Leverage Shift’s Features

Utilize Shift’s tools, such as calendar integration, reminders, and a focused inbox, to keep your routine organized and adaptable. These features can help you stay on track and manage your time effectively.

The Best Apps for Daily Routine

Though structuring a new routine can be daunting, you don’t have to do it alone. Chances are, you have an assistant with you at all times - your phone. We promised we would share some of the best apps for daily routine, and here they are:

  • Mindfulness - Headspace is likely the most well-known meditation app. It offers a user-friendly interface with tons of guided meditations to help mindfulness, sleep patterns, and stress reduction.
  • Time tracking - Clockify is ideal for daily time tracking. It’s a tool that helps users to improve their time management and productivity with accurate time-tracking. There are lots of other time management apps out there; you can find one that aligns with the way you plan your days.
  • Goal-setting - Motion, an all-in-one productivity and goal-tracking platform, is designed to automate your schedule intelligently. The innovative tool combines task management, project planning, and calendar functions in one place.
  • Focus - one sec is a cool app that adds a little friction to every distraction, prompting you to think about impulsive interruptions. It essentially delays distracting sites and apps from opening. RescueTime is not technically known as a “focus” app, but it has built-in distraction blocking and uses the list of distracting apps you've already added. And of course, using Shift as your browser will help you to limit distractions and endless logging in and out. Use it as your notification aggregator so that you limit constant distractions and  have more control over when you view notifications.
  • Daily planning - Notion is great for full planner customization. The app is a productivity and note-taking tool where users can try various content blocks to build versatile pages and structure all kinds of information.
  • Habit tracking - Way of Life is great for gathering data about your current habits, so you can make better decisions, and Habitify helps you to plan your day around healthy habits. 

Most of these apps offer a free plan, or at least a free trial, so you can try them out and see which ones work best for you.

Creating a “Routine by Design” empowers you to take control of your daily habits and align them with your long-term goals. By defining those goals, breaking them into actionable steps, crafting a mindful routine, and remaining flexible, you can actually create habits that lead to more fulfillment. Don’t forget to try Shift to bring all of these tools together and streamline your online space.

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