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Spring Clean Your Digital Life


Audrey Rosyadi

Marketing Coordinator - 18 Mar, 2025


Key Takeaways:

  • Spring is the perfect time to refresh all of your spaces - including digital ones. 80% of Americans make a point to spring clean every year, and that’s because the process offers a great opportunity to declutter, minimize, and get more organized. You can do the same in your digital life.
  • Technology tools can be an important support system in your computer declutter project. There are various declutter apps that can help remove unneeded items, along with programs for your email account, Shift for your browser, etc. Try Hazel or Fences for automating file organization, for example.
  • You probably look at your email inbox multiple times a day, so it’s a great place to start. Begin by deleting or archiving old emails, implementing for unhelpful emails, and creating systems for categorizing and following up on emails and tasks.
  • Try using Shift to consolidate your email accounts and apps. You can even set up custom workspaces for different purposes - for example, one workspace for all things work-related, and one for personal accounts and websites. You can also skip the endless logging in and out this way, saving even more time.



Few things feel better than a complete spring-time refresh. Windows open, pristine spaces, and fresh flowers on the counter. It’s a small joy that brings with it an impactful reset.

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home—you can achieve the same feeling in your digital life. Just as a cluttered physical space can hinder productivity and create stress, a disorganized online environment can slow you down and contribute to unnecessary mental strain. It’s never been more essential to take a step back and evaluate our digital habits. Here are some spring cleaning tips on how to declutter, organize, and streamline your digital world for a more efficient and enjoyable experience.

Clean Up Your Desktop & Files

Start with a computer declutter effort. Delete any unnecessary files that have accumulated over time and organize your documents into properly labeled folders. If you haven’t previously implemented an organized file system, now is the time to create one! You can sort by personal and professional, and break things down from there. You don’t need a complicated file structure - but some discipline around what goes where will save you a ton of time.

Tools like Hazel for Mac or Fences for Windows can automate file organization, helping you maintain a tidy workspace effortlessly. This article does a great job of explaining how platforms like Hazel can simplify, streamline, and keep critical documents safe, but there are other declutter apps that could be helpful, too. Set aside some time each week or month to revisit your file organization and keep things manageable.

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Declutter Your Email Inbox

An overflowing email inbox can be overwhelming. We’d bet money that you really don’t need a lot of the emails you receive. Use services like Unroll.Me to unsubscribe from newsletters and promotional emails you never read.

Additionally, setting up filters and labels can help you organize incoming messages, ensuring that important emails are easy to find and unnecessary distractions are minimized. Aim for inbox zero by regularly checking and managing your emails using these tactics.

  • Unsubscribe from Newsletters - Set up a rule to automatically move emails from newsletters you no longer read to a designated folder or the trash.
  • Label by Sender - Create filters that automatically label emails based on the sender. For example, you can label all emails from your boss as "Work" or from family as "Personal."
  • Sort by Keywords - Use filters to categorize emails containing specific keywords in the subject line or body. For instance, filter emails with the word "Invoice" to a folder named "Finance."
  • Flag Important Emails - Set a rule to flag or star emails from crucial contacts, such as your manager or key clients, ensuring they stand out in your inbox. Flag emails that require follow up and then filter by these flags when you start or end your day.
  • Move Social Media Notifications - Automatically send all social media notifications (like Facebook or Twitter) to a specific folder, keeping them separate from important emails. You can also use Shift to manage your online notifications and free yourself from distractions.
  • Archive Old Emails - It’s time to let go! Create a filter that archives emails that are older than a specific date, helping you keep your inbox clean without permanently deleting them.
  • Daily Digest for Promotions -  This is a handy tip that many people don’t take advantage of. Set up a rule to group promotional emails into a daily digest folder, allowing you to review them at your convenience rather than seeing them cluttering your inbox.

Implementing these rules and filters can help you maintain a neater inbox, reduce stress, and improve your overall email management.

Refresh Your Wallpaper & Themes

Remember those fresh flowers we mentioned? Replicate this feeling with a change-up on your devices. Part of a thorough computer declutter is by refreshing your wallpaper and themes. Swap out your background for something fresh and inspiring—a spring landscape or a minimalist design can uplift your mood. Experiment with dark mode or a new color scheme to give your devices a vibrant new look that reflects your personality.

Organize Your Bookmarks & Browser Tabs

Bookmarks can quickly pile up, leading to a chaotic browsing experience. Take the time to delete old bookmarks and organize the ones you actually use into categorized folders. You may want to set a reminder for once per month, for example. Delete things you no longer use or sites that you haven’t visited in six months.

If you find managing multiple email accounts and work apps tedious, consider using Shift to bring everything into one clean interface. With Shift,  you can consolidate various accounts, bookmarks, and apps into one clean interface. This will help you navigate your online tasks more efficiently. You can also create custom workspaces that have just what you need, so you always have the right tools right at your fingertips.

Tidy Up Your Apps & Programs

Just like with your files, it's essential to evaluate the apps and software on your devices. Uninstall any applications you no longer use to free up space and reduce clutter. For the apps you decide to keep, ensure they are updated regularly to improve their security and performance. This not only enhances your user experience but also protects your information.

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Optimize Your Cloud Storage

Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and iCloud are convenient but can become cluttered with outdated files. Take the time to clear out old documents and move important files into well-organized folders. You may want to try:

  • Creating a folder structure with a clear and logical folder hierarchy.
  • Ensuring that your naming conventions make sense and are descriptive.
  • Setting up reminders to automatically ping you when it’s time to review.
  • Implementing version control, especially for documents that tend to have frequent changes.
  • Backing up important files to protect your data and have peace of mind.
  • Reviewing the shared folders that you have, making sure they all reflect the current permissions needed.
  • Sorting files by date or importance to quickly access what you need quickly.

A clean cloud storage setup makes it easier to find what you need when you need it, enhancing your productivity.

Declutter Your Phone & Tablet

Mobile devices tend to accumulate unused apps and cluttered home screens. Start by deleting apps that you no longer use and organizing your home screen to improve accessibility. Additionally, clear out old photos, screenshots, and downloads to free up storage space. This is an area where a declutter app can make a big difference.

A streamlined mobile experience can make your day-to-day activities feel more manageable. This is also a good time to make sure you have backups of any important files, photos, etc.

Give Your Work Setup a Spring Makeover

Your physical workspace can significantly impact your productivity. Take the time to clean your keyboard, screen, and desk area. Consider adding a plant, improving your lighting, or incorporating personal decor to create a more inviting environment. A fresh workspace can boost your mood and inspire creativity.

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Set Digital Wellness Goals

Digital wellness is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship with technology. Set goals to reduce screen time, manage notifications, and take regular breaks throughout the day. Apps like RescueTime can help you track your productivity and identify areas where you can limit distractions. Prioritizing your mental well-being will lead to a more balanced and fulfilling digital life.

Streamline Your Workflow

As mentioned, consider utilizing tools like Shift to keep everything organized in one place. This can help you streamline your workflows and improve your overall efficiency. By integrating your emails, apps, and tasks into a single interface, you can reduce the time spent switching between platforms and focus more on what truly matters.

Embracing the practice of decluttering your digital life not only enhances your productivity but also contributes to a more serene online environment. By following these steps, you can create a streamlined digital space that promotes efficiency, reduces stress, and helps you stay organized in an increasingly digital world. Take the time to invest in your digital wellness, and you’ll be amazed at the ROI.