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Morning Routines That Set You Up for Success


Audrey Rosyadi

Marketing Coordinator - 03 Oct, 2024


If you’re not a morning person, then it's easy to tell yourself that mornings don’t matter that much. You can always catch your stride later in the day, right?

The truth is, having a productive morning routine can make a big difference in productivity, focus, and stress levels. How you spend those first few moments after waking will set the tone for your entire day. Your morning will impact your productivity long before you get to work.

A well-defined morning routine lays the groundwork for a fulfilling day, helping individuals focus their minds and enhance overall well-being. Harvard Business Review found that 92% of highly productive people follow planned morning routines. Studies have also shown that having a strong morning routine and structured schedule establishes structure in your life, leading to less stress, greater concentration, improved work-life balance, and more confidence about your progress and abilities to reach your personal goals.

All of that being said, this isn’t one of those “the morning routines of people like Steve Jobs” articles. It doesn’t make sense to try to copy what works for someone else. You need to find what works for you and build the right habits over time. With the advent of modern technology, apps and tools can further support these routines, making it easier to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Here’s some science–backed advice on creating the best morning routine for you.

The Prep-Work for Productivity

The effectiveness of your morning routine depends on several things. Just as important as waking up is what happens the night before.

If you can do some preparation before going to bed, you’ll have more time in the morning to focus on what really matters (or deal with last-minute challenges). Humans only have so much brain power for making decisions. If you can limit how much of that effort needs to happen in the morning, you can focus on more important areas. Don’t start the morning drained from over-thinking. If you have a big meeting, print your materials the night before. Going for a run? Have all of your clothes laid out. Set out what you need for the next day, pack your lunch, and set your coffee machine timer. All of these small things can clear up mental acuity when you need it. Some people also like to end their evenings by prioritizing and  writing down 3 things they hope to achieve the next day.

Another key step is considering your ideal wake-up time. Plenty of research has shown that early birds get the worm - in other words, people who wake up earlier are more likely to be productive or successful. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that night-owls or people who hit the snooze button cannot be successful.

The most important part of your morning routine is waking up - and that needs to happen at the time that’s right for you. Though waking up early is a big part of some people’s productivity routines, it’s not the essential ingredient for many. Rather, figuring out what your natural rhythm and preferred wake up time are will serve you better.

If you naturally stay awake until midnight, it’ll be hard to wake up at six am. Look at a schedule that provides a full night of sleep (for most people, that’s eight hours) and determine your ideal wake up time from there. This isn’t always possible with things like work schedules, school buses, etc. - but the better you can align waking up to your natural schedule, the more likely you are to jump out of bed when your alarm goes off and hit the ground running.

Additionally, some people like to wake up a bit earlier than necessary to have some quiet time before others in their house are up. If you know it takes you half an hour to shower and get dressed, and you’d like to read a chapter of your book first, you’ll need to be up about 45 minutes earlier.

Foundations of a Productive Morning Routine

There isn’t a single “best morning routine” that will work for everyone. The key to an effective morning routine starts with waking up (a bit) earlier than you need to, and consistency. This practice aligns your body’s internal clock and cultivates a sense of discipline.

Consider how long your desired morning routine will take, and set an alarm that affords you that time, plus a bit more as a buffer. Once awake:

  • Prioritize hydration; drinking water first thing in the morning rehydrates your body and kick starts your metabolism. You might not “feel” thirsty - drink some water or tea anyway. Many people feel as though they can’t get started without their morning cup of joe, but drinking water first is a much healthier choice. You don’t need to skip coffee - just grab water first.
  • Incorporating some form of exercise or stretching into your morning is also essential. This not only energizes you but also elevates your mood and prepares your body for the day ahead. This is another area where specific apps can help - check out this list of wellness apps designed to kick start your physical and mental health.

Related Post: 5 Ways to Bring Wellness into your Workplace


Key Components

To create a holistic morning routine, consider including mindfulness or meditation practices. Apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided sessions that can help center your thoughts and enhance focus.

After allowing some time for mindfulness, fuel your body with a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is often referred to as the “most important meal of the day”, and science has proven that. People who eat breakfast are 12.3% healthier throughout the day. Nourishing your body with the right foods can significantly impact your energy levels and concentration for the remainder of your day.

Finally, take a moment to plan and prioritize your tasks. Utilizing tools like Todoist or Google Calendar allows you to outline your day and tackle high-priority items first. Many people also find it satisfying to write out a schedule in a daily planner, or do some journaling about daily aspirations. There are a variety of specialized journals and productivity planners that can help you tie your daily efforts into larger goals and create more actionable lists.

Integrating Technology

Incorporating technology into your morning routine can streamline the process. Use your favorite apps to check the weather, catch up on important news, and manage your tasks and calendar. That being said, it’s crucial to minimize early screen time. Not only does looking at your device first thing in the morning interrupt your natural sleep-wake cycles, it can lead to anxiety and stress. It’s not helpful in setting a tone that will help you to take on the day.

You can also apply technology to reduce disruptions and improve focus. Managing notifications is important for reducing the huge amount of time wasted on interruptions. The human brain has a hard time switching gears, and every time you click away from your current task, you need to get back on track - and those minutes really add up.  Automating tasks with tools like IFTTT or Zapier can also save time, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters in your morning routine.

Using Shift to Streamline and Customize Your Routine

Just like you probably work more effectively from a quiet and tidy area than from your kids’ play room, you can customize your digital space to invoke a neater and more productive environment. Consider using Shift to set up a dedicated Workspace that is separate from other environments. You can even set up a Workspace for your morning routine that is tailored with apps and tools that enhance your headspace and organization for the day. For example, if you want to spend some quiet time reflecting before diving into your inbox, you can personalize your Workspace with apps for meditation, daily goal-setting, and news overviews - all without the possible distractions that come from email, social media, and work notifications.

If you’ve read so far and are thinking “More apps? I don’t want to add anything else to my digital world” - fear not. Shift is also an excellent tool for consolidating various apps for tasks, emails, and calendars, reducing the need to switch between multiple platforms. You can stay logged in on accounts without all the logging in and out, and keep your most important tabs and bookmarks present without digital clutter.

By using Shift, you can minimize distractions and maintain focus, ensuring that your morning routine remains effective and efficient.

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Tips for Sticking to Your Routine

Building a successful morning routine doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some tips for forging a routine that sticks.

  • Start small and gradually incorporate new elements to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Take satisfaction in the small steps that you master first. If you’re not a morning person and usually hit snooze several times, try limiting that practice. Buy yourself a fancy beverage on the days that you hop right out of bed.
  • Flexibility is key; adjust your routines as needed to accommodate your lifestyle and commitments. Remember, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and your best morning routine will look different than someone else’s. Build out a schedule that works for your natural rhythms, and add in or take away elements as your life changes.
  • Write your goals down. This helps to streamline your thoughts and hold you accountable. That’s why many people find journaling helpful. You can start by listing three things you want to accomplish that day and three things you’re grateful for from the previous day.
  • Tracking your progress with habit apps can be motivating, and celebrating small successes along the way will reinforce your commitment to your routine. Check out this great blog on excellent tools for habit tracking and productivity.
  • “Eat the frog” first. This expression comes from the concept of doing your most difficult task first. If you know you have to “eat a frog”, you might want to do it before any other to-dos. Then you can go through your day knowing not much else could be harder (or yuckier) and have a sense of accomplishment. If you do this for a few days in a row, you’ll not only knock out some dreaded to-dos, but build confidence too.

A well-structured morning routine can have a profound impact on your day-to-day life, bringing you increased productivity, focus, and reduced stress. Tools like Shift can significantly streamline and support your routines, allowing you to create the ideal start to your day. If you’re ready to enhance your morning ritual, give Shift a try and discover how you can build a productive morning routine that is the first step toward success.

Related Post: Routine by Design: How to Build Routine Around Goals
