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How to Turn Brat Summer into Demure Fall 


Audrey Rosyadi

Marketing Coordinator - 17 Sep, 2024


We are well into September which means preparing for all things pumpkin spice, and unless you’ve been on a serious social media hiatus, you know that means the end of the brat summer.

In the event that you actually are taking some time away from the internet - and all things pop culture - we’ll provide a refresher. What exactly is brat summer? And where does that leave us for the rest of the year?

Keep reading to learn how to bring your own brat summer to a close and make the most of your own mindful fall. We’re sharing ways to embrace intention and routine in order to crush your goals - in the most demure way possible, of course!

The Brat Summer Story

For the past few months, “Brat Summer” took over the internet. Thanks to a new album by Charli XCX, called “Brat”, the theme and the aesthetic were everywhere. Complete with a signature font and a bright green color, the words “brat” or “brat summer” were present in any meme that mattered, all over TikTok, and incorporated by marketing departments in every genre. Gen Z was quick to christen this summer the season of the brat, and embraced the  cool-girl style, high-energy partying, and lime-green everything represented by “brat”.

The theme of the movement is a messy, carefree vibe. At its core is the idea of accepting your own imperfections, embracing chaos, and loving yourself despite flaws, ego - and other traits deemed unacceptable back when we were called “brats” in middle school.

In a video on TikTok, the originator herself shared her vision:

“You’re just like that girl who is a little messy and likes to party and maybe says some dumb things sometimes. Who feels herself but maybe also has a breakdown. But kind of like, parties through it, is very honest, very blunt. A little bit volatile. Like, does dumb things. But it’s brat. You’re brat. That’s brat.”

This concept is both refreshing and freeing to many people. Brat summer meant everything from making mistakes to skipping work to partying all night. In an era where anything goes and everyone loves it, it’s easy to let standards slip and healthy habits drop. But it sure was fun!

However, trends change. As they are wont to do, both social media influencers and everyday people began embracing the “very mindful, very demure” movement. Originally used by a popular TikTok personality to describe the level of appropriateness for makeup and fashion choices in a variety of settings, it’s taken on a much larger context.

Since then, that clip - and the idea behind it - has taken on a life of its own across social media. Traditionally, the term "demure" was used to describe a woman who was quiet, reserved, or modest - basically the opposite of a brat, if you think about it. Influencers everywhere soon started dropping content around how to be more demure, more mindful - such as demonstrating proper etiquette in work situations.

Though both of these trends will surely be old news by this time next year, they represent a shift in thinking that reflects how people move through the seasons. September is traditionally a time when we close the door on less structured summer days, and recommit to our broader goals. For many people, September means back-to-school time, and it’s also the final quarter (the last big push!) of most companies' annual calendar. It’s long been established that fall is the most productive time of year (with summer being the least productive).

Moving from brat summer to demure or mindful fall aligns with most people’s internal calendar and their own feelings. It’s time to set aside the more carefree days of the past few months, and embrace the coming season with intentionality and purpose. Keep reading to learn how.

5 Ways to Shift from Brat Summer into Demure Fall

Reflect on Summer

You can’t shape your behavior if you haven’t taken the time to assess it. As summer fades into fall, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the habits you developed during the warmer months. Look for the positive practices (such as self-care, social connections, and physical activity) that energize you, while also recognizing disruptive habits like inconsistent sleep patterns, poor eating, or procrastination.

To manifest a more organized fall, come up with a structured routine that prioritizes these positive habits, set realistic goals, and incorporate mindfulness practices. Focus on things like  nourishing seasonal meals, a consistent sleep schedule, and maintaining connections with friends and family. We all know the right things to do to be healthy - now is the time to commit to yourself that you’re ready to make some positive changes.

By intentionally adjusting your habits, you can embrace the beauty of fall as a season of growth and renewal.

Set Fall Intentions

The demure and mindful trend is all about embracing simplicity and intentionality in our daily lives, encouraging individuals to take a more focused and present approach to their activities and choices.

As we transition into this new season, it’s essential to set clear goals that align with our aspirations for health, productivity, and overall well-being. Whether aiming to enhance your fitness routine, improve work efficiency, or foster mindfulness, having defined objectives can guide your efforts. A huge amount of research shows that writing down these goals and intentions is crucial for actually meeting them.

Utilizing organizational tools such as Notion or Google Keep is a great way to track these intentions, allowing you to break down your goals into manageable tasks and stay motivated throughout the season. By harnessing these resources, you can cultivate a more mindful and productive lifestyle that resonates with the essence of the demure trend.

Tip: our blog has tons of tool reviews and tips for the best technology to help you with these efforts, including AI tools that will make everything a lot easier.

Related Post: The Best Note-Taking Apps


Build a Routine

Sometimes when people get excited about new goals, they go too far. An over-emphasis on, for example, work or fitness goals leads to imbalance - and that can be the death of good habits.

Creating balanced routines that seamlessly incorporate work, self-care, and downtime is essential for maintaining overall well-being and productivity. By establishing a structured schedule that allocates time for focused work sessions, rejuvenating self-care activities, and relaxing downtime, you can foster a better – and more sustainable –  lifestyle.

To make this balance even easier, consider utilizing tools like Shift, which helps organize your tasks and apps in one place while minimizing distractions. With Shift, you can easily switch between work-related tasks and personal activities without the clutter of multiple tabs, allowing you to stay focused and efficient. You can customize your Workspaces to skip the logging in and out and reduce distractions. It’s a really easy first step in being more organized throughout your day.

This intentional approach not only boosts productivity but also ensures that you can focus on self-care and relaxation, leading to a more fulfilling and well-rounded daily experience. You’re much more likely to stick to a routine that leaves space for fun and down-time.

Related Post: Apps to Help You Get Back Into a Routine


Add Mindfulness

In a world that’s so hyper-connected and focused on productivity, it’s not easy to find moments of quiet. These breaks are essential for our health, though, so we need to create them.

Incorporating simple mindfulness practices into your daily routine can greatly enhance your overall well-being and promote a sense of peace amidst life's chaos. Activities such as meditation and journaling allow you to center your thoughts, reflect on your experiences, and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself.

To support these practices, consider using apps like Headspace, which offers guided meditations tailored to various needs, whether you're seeking stress relief, improved focus, or better sleep. By committing to just a few minutes each day for mindfulness, you can create a space for clarity and calm, ultimately leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Here are some other apps that can help with mindfulness, meditation, and stress reduction:

  • Calm - Calm is designed to improve mental well-being through guided meditations, sleep stories, and soothing music. Its diverse library caters to various needs, such as anxiety reduction and sleep improvement. The app also includes nature sounds and breathing exercises to enhance relaxation.
  • Insight Timer - This app boasts a vast library of free guided meditations, music tracks, and talks from mindfulness experts. Users can customize their meditation experience by setting timers and choosing background sounds. Its community feature allows users to connect with others and join live sessions.
  • Breathe - Focused on breathing exercises, Breathe helps users manage stress and anxiety through simple yet effective techniques. The app offers customizable breathing patterns, reminders, and guided sessions to promote mindfulness and relaxation. It's a great tool for those seeking quick stress relief.
  • 10% Happier - Tailored for skeptics of meditation, this app provides practical guidance and insights into mindfulness practices. It features courses from renowned teachers and a focus on building a consistent meditation habit. The app also includes podcasts and articles to deepen users' understanding of meditation and mindfulness.
  • Smiling Mind - This app is particularly geared toward younger audiences and offers programs tailored to different age groups (so it might be a good option for the whole family). The app promotes mindfulness through engaging activities and meditations that encourage emotional well-being and resilience. It’s a great tool for parents and mentors looking to introduce mindfulness to their entire household. This can be a really fun “back to school”, whole-family fresh start support system.

Digital Declutter

A digital detox can be a transformative step toward reducing unnecessary screen time and fostering a healthier relationship with technology. By intentionally unplugging from devices for a set period, you can reclaim valuable time and mental clarity. You may not be able to disconnect with all of your digital tools, but you can at least stop doom scrolling and log off social media, for example.

After you’ve taken some time off from your screens, consider kickstarting your new habits with a digital declutter. Take the opportunity to clean up your emails, notifications, and other digital clutter, eliminating what no longer serves you. Unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters, silence non-essential notifications, and organize your digital spaces to create a more streamlined and efficient online environment. This intentional reset not only clears out distractions but also paves the way for more meaningful engagements and a sense of calm in your digital life. Start with these tips:

  1. Organize files and folders - Categorize files into relevant folders (e.g., work, personal, photos). Delete any duplicates or outdated documents. Use descriptive names for files to make them easier to find later.
  2. Get rid of unwanted emails - Go through your inbox and unsubscribe from newsletters and promotional emails that no longer interest you. Consider using tools like Unroll.Me to streamline this process and reduce inbox clutter.
  3. Clean up your devices - Remove unused apps from your phone, tablet, or computer. Assess which apps you truly use and delete the rest. For essential apps, organize them into folders based on categories for easier access.
  4. Manage notifications -  Take control of your digital notifications by disabling non-essential alerts on your devices. This will help minimize distractions and allow you to focus on what truly matters. This is another area where Shift can be really powerful. Use the browser as a notification aggregator to get all of your notices in one place, and customize how and when you’d like to see them to limit distractions.
  5. Backup your data - Regularly back up essential files and data to an external hard drive or cloud storage. This not only protects your information but also gives you peace of mind as you declutter your digital space.

You have all the tools you need to make this fall oh-so-demure and jump-start some great habits that will enhance your health, happiness, and productivity. Don’t let the newfound energy that comes in this season be just a fleeting trend. Commit to being purposeful, intentional, and mindful, and you can have your best fall yet.

Start by wrapping yourself up in a cozy flannel, lighting that pumpkin candle, and sitting down to write out the goals you have for this season - warm apple cider optional.

Related Post: What is Shift Browser? One Window for Everything You Do Online
