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The Best Browser for Facebook


Joanna Yuen

Marketing & Content Specialist - 21 May, 2024


Almost everyone uses Facebook these days. For those who don’t, they’re almost certainly familiar with the platform and occasionally visit to get updates from brands they care about, participate in groups, or look at photos. Even people who don’t use Facebook daily are likely to use it once in a while, and many of those instances occur on a browser.

So, how can you be sure you’re getting the best experience on Facebook online? How different could the various browsers be? Turns out, pretty different! Some browsers are actually ideal for Facebook, while others…not so much. Keep reading to learn which browser you should be using when exploring Facebook.

A Facebook Refresher

As most people know, Facebook is a social media platform that was created by Mark Zuckerberg and his college roommates at Harvard University in 2004. It started as a platform exclusively for Harvard students but quickly expanded to other universities and eventually became available to the general public in 2006. Currently it is part of the larger conglomerate Meta, which also owns Instagram, WhatsApp, and some other applications.

As of 2023, Facebook is the largest social media platform globally with 3.03 billion monthly active users worldwide. YouTube follows with 2.49 billion, with WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and WeChat, all having over a billion users. These days, Facebook is used for a variety of purposes. It serves as a platform for socializing and staying connected with friends and family and users can share their thoughts, experiences, and life updates through posts, photos, and videos. They can also join groups based on their interests, participate in events, and follow public figures and organizations.

The Benefits of a Browser

Is there a reason why you might choose to access Facebook in a browser rather than on another device? Actually, there are several.

  • Bigger screen - Viewing Facebook on a browser provides a larger screen compared to a mobile device. This can enhance the overall viewing experience, allowing you to see photos and videos in more detail. Since Facebook is partly an image sharing app, you likely want to have the best view possible - and for many people, that includes enlarged photos that they can view close up.
  •  Multitasking abilities - It’s pretty rare for people to simply focus on one thing at a time anymore. Our focus on hyper-productivity means we are always trying to figure out ways to do more tasks at once. Perusing Facebook on a browser enables you to multitask more effectively. You can have multiple tabs open, allowing you to switch between Facebook and other websites or applications seamlessly. This is especially true if you’re using Shift as your browser, and set up Workspaces that include only the accounts and apps you need at any given time.
  • Keyboard and mouse support - In some ways, using a keyboard and mouse makes it easier to navigate and interact with Facebook. You can quickly scroll through your feed, like or engage with posts, and perform other activities using keyboard shortcuts. If you are using Facebook for purposes other than simply mindless scrolling, it’s worth exploring the ways that an actual keyboard can be helpful.
  • Simple content sharing - When viewing Facebook in a browser, it's easier to share content with others. You can easily copy the URL of a post, share it via email or messaging apps, or save it for later reference. Often it takes a few extra steps to pull a URL or get something into the right format to share on a device, but you can skip these extra actions on a browser.
  • Increased productivity - If you use Facebook for business or work-related activities, accessing it in a browser allows you to integrate it more smoothly with other tools and applications. You can easily switch between email, project management tools, and Facebook, enhancing your overall productivity and efficiency. In particular, those using the platform for ecommerce business will find that it integrates well with other third-party tools that can be useful.
  • Browser extension access - Browser extensions can enhance your Facebook experience by providing additional features and functionalities. For example, there are extensions available that allow you to download photos and videos, schedule posts, or enhance the appearance of your feed. Many people use tools for photo editing, social media analytics, and team collaboration alongside social media, and much of this functionality is easier to access in a browser or, in some cases, only available in a browser.

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Popular Browsers for Facebook

According to Facebook’s own Help Center, they recommend certain browsers above others. They suggest using the most up-to-date versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge.

Our experts agree that these browsers tend to offer a better experience.

1. Shift

Shift is an innovative browser that keeps all of your applications, bookmarks, and favorite sites in one place. Designed to limit endless logging in and out and increase productivity, Shift can help you to draw boundaries around your work or personal to-dos. Shift also offers advanced privacy and security features that are useful for navigating today’s modern web landscape. Plus, Shift is a powerful notification aggregator that alerts you to new messages in the way that is most helpful to you.

2. Google Chrome

Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers, known for its speed, stability, and compatibility. It offers a smooth browsing experience and excellent support for web applications like Facebook. Chrome also provides automatic updates, ensuring you have the latest security features and improvements.

3. Mozilla Firefox

Firefox is another popular browser known for its privacy features and customization options. It is a reliable choice for accessing Facebook, offering a user-friendly interface and strong performance. Firefox also prioritizes user privacy and security, making it a good option for those concerned about their online privacy.

4. Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Windows 10 and is known for its speed and efficiency. It offers a seamless browsing experience and has improved significantly in recent years. Edge is optimized for Windows devices and provides good compatibility with Facebook.

5. Safari

Safari is the default web browser on Apple devices, including Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It offers a fast and smooth browsing experience and is known for its energy efficiency. Safari has good compatibility with Facebook and provides a seamless experience for Apple users

These are just a few examples, and there are other browsers available that can also provide a good experience on Facebook. Ultimately, the best browser choice depends on your personal preferences and the specific device you are using.

But first, a few extra notes on Google Chrome, since that is the browser most commonly suggested for using alongside Facebook. Google Chrome is known for its optimized performance on Facebook due to its efficient rendering engine and frequent updates. Google Chrome offers several other advanced features that make it a good choice for browsing Facebook:

Speed and performance

Chrome is known for its fast and efficient performance. It utilizes advanced technologies like V8 JavaScript engine and multi-threading to deliver a smooth browsing experience on Facebook, even with heavy content and multiple tabs open.

Extensions and customization

Chrome has a vast library of extensions that can enhance your Facebook browsing experience. You can find extensions for various purposes, such as ad blockers, social media integration, video downloaders, and more. Additionally, Chrome allows you to customize the browser interface and personalize it according to your preferences.

Sync across devices

Chrome offers seamless synchronization across devices. If you use Chrome on multiple devices, you can sign in with your Google account and access your bookmarks, history, and settings on any device. This makes it convenient to switch between devices while browsing Facebook.

Developer tools

Chrome provides powerful developer tools that can be helpful for Facebook developers and advanced users. These tools allow you to inspect and debug web pages, analyze network activity, monitor performance, and more. They can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to Facebook or experimenting with customizations.

Security and privacy

Chrome has built-in security features that protect you from malicious websites and phishing attempts. It also offers options for managing cookies, controlling website permissions, and browsing in incognito mode for enhanced privacy while using Facebook.

These advanced features, along with Chrome's overall stability and compatibility, make it a popular choice for browsing Facebook.

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Enhance Facebook Performance in any Browser

  1. Keep your browser updated - Ensure that you have the latest version of your preferred browser installed. Updates often include performance improvements and security enhancements.
  2. Clear cache and cookies - Over time, cache and cookies can accumulate and slow down your browsing experience. Regularly clear them to improve Facebook's performance. You can usually find this option in your browser's settings.
  3. Disable unnecessary browser extensions - Some extensions can impact browser performance. Disable any extensions that you don't need while using Facebook to free up system resources and reduce potential conflicts.
  4. Use a secure and stable internet connection - A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for a smooth Facebook experience. Connect to a reliable network, and if possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi for better stability.
  5. Limit the number of open tabs - Having multiple tabs open can consume system resources and slow down your browser. Try to keep the number of open tabs to a minimum while using Facebook.
  6. Avoid running other resource-intensive applications - Running resource-intensive applications in the background can affect your browser's performance. Close unnecessary applications to free up system resources for Facebook.
  7. Disable auto-play videos - Facebook auto-play videos can consume bandwidth and slow down your browsing experience. Disable auto-play videos in your Facebook settings to improve performance.
  8. Use a lightweight theme - Some Facebook themes or customization options can be resource-intensive. Choose a lightweight or default theme to optimize performance.
  9. Enable hardware acceleration - Most modern browsers have hardware acceleration options that offload some tasks to your computer's GPU, improving performance. Check your browser settings to ensure hardware acceleration is enabled.
  10. Restart your browser regularly - Restarting your browser can help free up memory and clear any temporary issues that may be affecting Facebook's performance. Consider restarting your browser periodically, especially if you notice any slowdowns.

Try Shift for Your Best Facebook Experience

Shift is a powerful browser that can do so much more than access web versions of apps like Facebook. The goal is to bring together all of the platforms that you use most every day, streamlining your online activity and making you more efficient. The only browser to offer Workspaces, which are custom groupings of your favorite websites and applications, Shift also integrates all of your web apps into one seamless online experience. Connect all of your daily web apps, including Facebook. To access Workspaces, simply connect all web apps and email accounts to Shift, then access everything you use daily from one window.

One of the best features of Shift is the ability to customize your notifications across multiple accounts and apps. Shift offers notification management that can apply across all the apps you use every day, from Outlook to Facebook to Slack and beyond. With a couple of clicks, you can mute all notifications temporarily or control the sounds that play when a notification comes through.  This means you won’t constantly be interrupted by new message notifications. The old principle “out of sight, out of mind” is often repeated for a reason: because not continuously getting reminders of email piling up will allow you to focus on the tasks at-hand. If you find messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger to be distracting, then you can limit the notifications to only see them at a certain point, or you can mute them altogether.

At a more detailed level, Shift brings together all of the notifications from any of your apps and email accounts and displays them in one place. You don’t have to look in multiple places anymore just to see what new alerts you have. Instead, you can simply check the number that appears in the little red bubble on the Shift icon in your taskbar, and there you go! This is truly the easiest way to avoid overload from email notifications. Users save a ton of time that previously was wasted by constantly checking their latest email notification and digging into their inboxes. Not only that, you can even turn off  notifications or remove the notification badge for particular apps within Shift if you don’t want to be alerted to things within that particular platform. This is particularly helpful for drawing boundaries around your email messages and only checking email or communication platforms on a proactive - rather than reactive - basis.

Even more important, a browser like Shift will make sure you have all your apps in one place. As you go through the process of linking your favorite tools, you’ll see software and apps that you don’t use anymore. As you deactivate and delete those tools, you’ll lose any notifications that went with those services. It’s not only streamlining your entire desktop, but you’re deleting time-sinks in the process.

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How Else Can Shift Help With Productivity?

Shift is a powerful tool for people who are trying to work more productively in their desktop environment. Anyone who uses online platforms will find Shift to be a valuable resource. With Shift, you can organize and manage the following:

  • Mail - Connect all of your Gmail, Outlook, and Office 365 accounts and manage everything from one centralized workstation.
  • Apps - WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger—we have everything you need to get it done. Browse our Apps Directory, connect yours, and switch between them easily.
  • Search - Save time and find exactly what you're looking for across any of your Mail, Calendar, and Drive accounts.
  • Chrome extensions - Enjoy access to Boomerang, Grammarly, LastPass, and many of your other favorite Chrome Extensions.
  • Focused web tabs - Access the web from inside Shift. Manage your tabs and organize them by account for a better browsing experience.
  • Workspaces - Create a Workspace with the exact apps, tabs, and bookmarks you need, then share it with your team to get the job done.
  • Account management - Toggle between your most-used accounts, check notifications and streamline your workflow.

If Facebook is part of your online activity, then it’s worth exploring in a browser. We suggest downloading and using Shift to access social media platforms and all of the other tools that you rely on. You’ll not only save time but enhance your overall experience.