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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

How to Add a Custom Emoji to Slack

Can you remember a technological life without emoji? We can't, either. Emoji come in handy for a whole host of reasons, especially on Slack. Their mere existence can alter the very way in which a message comes across.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 19 Oct, 2018

The Best Resources from our App Partners: Updates to Calendly, Todoist, and Airtable

Welcome to your monthly apps resource for the latest and greatest from all ...

How to Block or Unblock Someone on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to share your thoughts and socialize with your fr...

How to Create an Asana Task from Email

Shortcuts are the spice of life. Without them, we’d be stuck doing stuff th...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

22 New Apps To Get Your Creativity & Productivity Flowing

We live in an app-obsessed world, which makes it more important than ever to take the time to hone in on a few apps that work for you and your personal workflow. After all, apps are supposed to help you de-clutter and simplify things. Here at Shift HQ, the jury is still out on what the best apps are, but we are committed to providing our most productive customers with the choices they need to get work done faster.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 13 Aug, 2018

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on ...

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive...

How to Log In to Two WhatsApp Accounts at Once

Anyone who knows anything about being productive knows that, under such a cycle, productivity will never, ever be possible. What you need is a solution to the madness. So, let’s talk about how to log into two (or more) WhatsApp accounts at once.  

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 24 Apr, 2018

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-...

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if...

How to Add a Custom Emoji to Slack

Can you remember a technological life without emoji? We can't, either. Emoji come in handy for a whole host of reasons, especially on Slack. Their mere existence can alter the very way in which a message comes across.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 19 Oct, 2018

The Best Resources from our App Partners: Updates to Calendly, Todoist, and Airtable

Welcome to your monthly apps resource for the latest and greatest from all ...

How to Block or Unblock Someone on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to share your thoughts and socialize with your fr...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

Download Now
Shift App

How to Create an Asana Task from Email

Shortcuts are the spice of life. Without them, we’d be stuck doing stuff the way there were initially intended to be done…yikes. So, today we have a shortcut that we’re sure everyone can appreciate: creating an Asana task from email. It’s simple, really. In a few easy-to-follow steps, you can create tasks in My Tasks and Projects, and even send email messages directly to Team Conversations and Project Conversations.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 11 Oct, 2018

22 New Apps To Get Your Creativity & Productivity Flowing

We live in an app-obsessed world, which makes it more important than ever t...

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on ...

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive in one place, getting stuff done gets a lot easier. And while it can be fun to test out new apps as they come on the market, what’s more important is narrowing it down to the ones that make your workflow more effective, and (hopefully) enjoyable.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Jun, 2018

How to Log In to Two WhatsApp Accounts at Once

Anyone who knows anything about being productive knows that, under such a c...

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-...

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if the latter isn’t true, you’ll learn the best of the basics for using the application in this article. In short, Messenger is the instant messaging extension of Facebook. The app was released in 2011 and has since rivaled the features and functionality of most other similar apps. The Facebook Messenger app is designed to go well beyond standard text messaging by offering features like HD video calling, voice messaging, and group chat. Don’t have a Facebook account, you say? No worries.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 20 Mar, 2018

How to Add a Custom Emoji to Slack

Can you remember a technological life without emoji? We can't, either. Emoji come in handy for a whole host of reasons, especially on Slack. Their mere existence can alter the very way in which a message comes across.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 19 Oct, 2018

The Best Resources from our App Partners: Updates to Calendly, Todoist, and Airtable

Welcome to your monthly apps resource for the latest and greatest from all our partners. Each month, we’ll be highlighting all of the most rad features and updates to keep your productivity on point.

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 18 Oct, 2018

How to Block or Unblock Someone on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to share your thoughts and socialize with your friends online; however, sometimes 'unfollwing' or ‘unfriending’ isn’t enough to filter out the people you do not want to interact with. Fortunately, Facebook’s ‘blocking’ feature will take care of this problem.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 18 Oct, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Create an Asana Task from Email

Shortcuts are the spice of life. Without them, we’d be stuck doing stuff the way there were initially intended to be done…yikes. So, today we have a shortcut that we’re sure everyone can appreciate: creating an Asana task from email. It’s simple, really. In a few easy-to-follow steps, you can create tasks in My Tasks and Projects, and even send email messages directly to Team Conversations and Project Conversations.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 11 Oct, 2018

22 New Apps To Get Your Creativity & Productivity Flowing

We live in an app-obsessed world, which makes it more important than ever to take the time to hone in on a few apps that work for you and your personal workflow. After all, apps are supposed to help you de-clutter and simplify things. Here at Shift HQ, the jury is still out on what the best apps are, but we are committed to providing our most productive customers with the choices they need to get work done faster.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 13 Aug, 2018

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on Facebook, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ve heard of or used Facebook Business Manager. This handy platform makes it easy to take control of your company’s Facebook page and ad campaigns.    In this article, we’ll discuss two simple ways to manage multiple accounts at once. But first, let’s dive into some of its best features.

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive in one place, getting stuff done gets a lot easier. And while it can be fun to test out new apps as they come on the market, what’s more important is narrowing it down to the ones that make your workflow more effective, and (hopefully) enjoyable.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Jun, 2018

How to Log In to Two WhatsApp Accounts at Once

Anyone who knows anything about being productive knows that, under such a cycle, productivity will never, ever be possible. What you need is a solution to the madness. So, let’s talk about how to log into two (or more) WhatsApp accounts at once.  

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 24 Apr, 2018

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 10 Apr, 2018

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if the latter isn’t true, you’ll learn the best of the basics for using the application in this article. In short, Messenger is the instant messaging extension of Facebook. The app was released in 2011 and has since rivaled the features and functionality of most other similar apps. The Facebook Messenger app is designed to go well beyond standard text messaging by offering features like HD video calling, voice messaging, and group chat. Don’t have a Facebook account, you say? No worries.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 20 Mar, 2018

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