
Enjoy Shift Basic - or even better - Advanced, for all of the best features.

$0 (Free!)
  • Up to 2 Accounts
    (Gmail, GSuite, Outlook, Office 365)
  • Up to 1 App Account
  • Cross-Platform Support
    (Windows & Mac)
  • Desktop Notifications
  • 'Sent with Shift'
    (for every email)
  • Notification Muting
  • Add Google Services
  • Chrome Extensions
  • Epic Search
  • Consolidated Billing
  • Team Management Dashboard
$149 per year
  • Unlimited Accounts
    (Gmail, GSuite, Outlook, Office 365)
  • Unlimited App Accounts
  • Cross-Platform Support
    (Windows & Mac)
  • Desktop Notifications
  • Remove 'Sent with Shift'
    (for every email)
  • Notification Muting
  • Add Google Services
  • Chrome Extensions
  • Epic Search
  • Consolidated Billing
  • Team Management Dashboard
$149 per year
(per user)
  • Unlimited Accounts
    (Gmail, GSuite, Outlook, Office 365)
  • Unlimited App Accounts
  • Cross-Platform Support
    (Windows & Mac)
  • Desktop Notifications
  • Remove 'Sent with Shift'
    (for every email)
  • Notification Muting
  • Add Google Services
  • Chrome Extensions
  • Epic Search
  • Consolidated Billing
  • Team Management Dashboard
Download Shift
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You are in Good Company

The average person wastes four hours per week on context switching, a phenomenon known as the toggling tax, which increases stress and reduces productivity. Read more to find out how Shift is helping users escape the toggling tax.

Traditional browsers can't keep up with our growing online demands, leaving us overwhelmed and lost in a sea of tabs. Shift revolutionizes browsing by streamlining our digital lives into a single, customizable window. Read more to learn how.

Our digital lives are chaotic, juggling numerous tabs, apps, and accounts, making it difficult to stay organized and productive for work, personal, and everything in between. Discover how Shift is calming the chaos and reimagining our entire online lives.

TechCrunch TechCrunch
engadget engadget
VentureBeat VentureBeat

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to to enter my credit card details to get started?

Nope! No credit card details are required to get started with Shift.

How am I billed - yearly or monthly?

At this time, we only offer yearly billing. You will be billed on the date that you decide to upgrade Shift. Your next billing date is 12 months after that date.

What currency will I be billed in?

All pricing is listed in USD.