Key Takeaways:
- The world is experiencing serious sleep deficiency. Studies show that many of us struggle with sleep, often due to society’s nonstop 24-hour cycle and our constant attachment to digital devices. There are actually serious public health implications to not getting enough sleep.
- Clearing your mind and developing better digital habits along with a better evening routine can help you to get your best sleep. Try some of these tips to clear your mind before bed, give yourself a digital curfew, and switch to red light in the bedroom. One of the simplest ideas is to try and write down anything you’re worried about before bed and then put your worries to rest.
- There is a scientific link between blue light (from devices) and your hormones. The type of light emitted from your phone or tablet is blue light and it interferes with the production of melatonin, which is necessary for a natural transition to sleep. Add the mental buzz from scrolling, and you’re wide awake instead of winding down.
- Red light is different. While the term “red light” suggests more of a speakeasy atmosphere, it’s actually a type of light that has little to no effect on human hormones. Unlike blue light, red light actually works with our natural rhythms so that you can sleep.
- Use all 5 senses to put yourself to bed. Create a bedtime ritual that replaces watching tv or scrolling on your phone with activities that relax your senses. Think: a lavender candle, some chamomile tea, and a peaceful playlist.
- Not sure where to start? Take our quiz in the end of the blog to find your evening ritual.
Did you ever ride a merry-go-round when you were a kid? Do you remember that topsy-turvy feeling you had when you stepped off? It took a few minutes to get your bearings after all the spinning.
Though it may not consciously register, you probably experience similar feelings today when it comes to your digital consumption (minus the midevil playground equipment). In our hyper-connected world, we often find ourselves bouncing between emails, work apps, and endless browser tabs, leaving our brains wired long after we log off. You shut your laptop and set your phone down at night, but your brain is still immersed in the digital exposure you’ve had throughout the day—that's how habits are formed.
This constant digital stimulation can increase stress levels and delay sleep onset, making it crucial to establish evening rituals that allow for a proper unwind. Research supports that by adopting the right habits in the evening, we can reset our brains and enhance our overall happiness. Let’s explore some science-backed practices to add to your evening routine. These tips will help you to break away from screens, reduce stress, and set yourself up for a restful night’s sleep. Stay until the end of the blog to find the right routine for you—our quick quiz will match you with a night ritual that fits your vibe!
The Brain Dump Trick: Clear Mental Clutter Before Bed
Have you ever found yourself lying in bed, mentally replaying conversations or stressing about the tasks you forgot to do? Perhaps you think about all the things you wish you would have said to that difficult vendor (and you will next time!).
This phenomenon, known as the Zeigarnik Effect, suggests that unfinished tasks keep our brains active, preventing us from fully relaxing. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that writing down unfinished tasks before bed can significantly reduce stress and improve sleep quality.
Try this: Spend five minutes engaging in a “brain dump”—a messy, unfiltered list of everything occupying your mind, including tasks, worries, and reminders. If any items require action, schedule them for the next day; doing so will free your mind from fixating on them. For an added relaxation boost, do this alongside calming activities like deep breathing or gentle stretching.
Related post: From Burnout to Bliss: How to Recognize When It’s Time to Slow Down
Screen Time Curfew: The Blue Light & Dopamine Connection
The connection between social media use before bed and sleep is significant and has been the subject of various studies. Here are some key points regarding this relationship:
- Blue Light Exposure - Most social media platforms are accessed via phones, tablets, or computers, which let off blue light. This type of light can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Reduced melatonin levels can make it harder to fall asleep.
- Mental Stimulation - Engaging with social media can be (a little too) beneficial mentally stimulating. Have you ever gotten into a political discussion with your Mom’s childhood friend on Facebook? It’s not exactly a relaxing activity. Scrolling through feeds, responding to messages, or watching videos can keep your brain active, making it challenging to wind down and transition into a restful state.
- Anxiety and Stress - Social media is known to create feelings of anxiety or stress; “doom scrolling” has its name for a reason. Chances are high that you’ll encounter negative comments, cyberbullying, or distressing news. These emotions don’t exactly have the same effect as counting sheep.
- Sleep Disruption - Even if everything you look at is positive, it can lead to increased alertness, making it harder to fall asleep. Notifications and messages can also cause interruptions during the night, leading to crummy sleep.
- Sleep Hygiene - The best sleep routines involve limiting screen time before bed. Establishing a calming bedtime routine can improve sleep quality, and sleep experts will almost universally tell you that less screens before bed should be part of your process.
Try this: Establish a “No-Screen Zone” an hour before bedtime. Use this time for offline relaxation activities, such as reading, journaling, or knitting, to help calm your mind and body. Then be conscious of where you put your devices when you go to bed. If your phone is right next to your bed, it’s tempting to reach over and look at it, or hear that tell-tale “ding” when you get a notification. For your best sleep, place your devices across the room where you won’t see or hear them.
Digital Detox Lighting: Why Red Light is Better Than Blue Light
Everything we just said about blue light is probably old news to you. There’s been plenty of research about that by now. Ok, smarty-pants, what do you know about red light?
Many people don’t know that red light actually supports melatonin production. Research in Physiological Reports has demonstrated that exposure to red light before bed can improve sleep quality and relaxation. Plus, red light beats blue light for a few reasons:
- Melatonin Production - Red light has a minimal effect on melatonin production. Unlike blue light, which can suppress melatonin levels and disrupt the sleep-wake cycle, red light is less likely to interfere with the body’s natural sleep hormones.
- Less Disruption to Circadian Rhythms - Blue light exposure, particularly in the evening, confuses the body’s circadian rhythms, leading to difficulty falling asleep. Red light, on the other hand, is less disruptive to these natural rhythms, helping with a better transition to sleep. Lots of people say red light just feels different.
Try this: Replace harsh overhead lighting with dim, red-toned lamps or sunset-colored bulbs. Consider using apps like f.lux or Night Shift on your devices to shift to warmer tones in the evening, further reducing blue light exposure.
The “Sensory Switch”: Replacing Digital Inputs with Calming Rituals
Instead of staring at screens, try using your senses for things that actively reduce stress. Science shows that specific sensory experiences—like warm baths, aromatherapy, and soft textures—activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our natural relaxation response.
Try this: Find a few things to add to your evening routine that engage your senses in soothing ways. For example:
- Light a lavender or chamomile candle, as both scents are clinically proven to lower cortisol levels.
- Exchange doom scrolling for tactile, screen-free activities like doodling, knitting, or journaling to foster a sense of calm.
- Have a hot cup of chamomile or other herbal tea to help your body physically relax.
- Listen to soft music or turn on nature sounds (just be sure to pick something that won’t sound like nails on a chalkboard to your partner).
- Use adult coloring books or do some sketching.
- Try adding a warm bath to your evening routine if you’ve been having trouble sleeping. To really melt the day away, add aromatherapy like sleep-inducing bubble bath.
- Do some gentle stretching or a guided meditation before climbing into bed. We’ve got some great suggestions if you’re not sure where to start.
- Experience big luxury in little ways by investing in the softest, coziest pajamas you can find; you’ll be looking forward to bedtime by dinner.
- Swap out your big-box-purchased pillow case for ultra-soft satin–it’s better for your hair too!
Related Post: The Importance of Unwinding After a Long Day: How to Truly Relax and Recharge
The “Tech Boundary” Ritual: Creating a Digital-Free Sleep Space
The image of two disconnected partners sitting in bed together and scrolling their phones separately has become common for a reason - way too many of us do it! What is it about climbing into bed that signals “catch up on Instagram” for so many of us?
We talked about keeping your phone away from where you sleep, but maintaining a digital-free bedroom altogether can significantly improve sleep quality. Research indicates that individuals who use their phones in bed take longer to fall asleep and often wake up feeling groggier.
Try this: Charge your phone outside the bedroom and replace it with a simple alarm clock. This small change can create a healthier sleep environment, free from digital distractions. If you can keep your tablet and laptop out of your room, you get bonus points.
Small Tweaks, Big Impact
In our digital-first world, unplugging in the evening is one of the best paths to mental clarity, relaxation, and better sleep. By closing digital loops, establishing screen-time boundaries, and replacing screens with calming rituals, you can effectively reduce stress and boost happiness—all without saying no to the technology you rely on during the day. Consider trying one or two of these night rituals and experience the enjoyment of truly restful sleep. Not sure where to start? Here's a quick quiz to help you find the night ritual that fits you best: