The 10 Best Tools for Social Media Management

We’ve pulled together our top ten favorite apps for social media management. From setting a content calendar and pulling in your team to monitoring your success, we have you covered. Here are social media tools we’re sure will make your life a little easier.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 29 Oct, 2019

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts, texts, and reminders, indicating that we are constantly—and in some cases, involuntarily—connected. Information has never been so readily available, or so distracting. With so much competing for our attention, it seems nearly impossible to completely narrow our focus to the right things. But, research shows that focus is actually the gateway to thinking. Meaning that without it, your thinking—and everything else that follows, like productivity, performance, and concentration—suffers.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 May, 2018

Shift 2.0 Just Launched, and Your Productivity Dreams Have Come True

Less than one year since the launch of Shift, and today, I am pleased to announce the launch of Shift 2.0! 


Product Evangelist - 01 Nov, 2017