How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts
It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.
It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.
Well, friends, March is in full swing, and here at Shift HQ, we are celebrating with the release of Shift 2.7. With each major release, we focus on providing our customers (yeah, that's you) with an even better experience. Between releases, we have our ear to the ground listening to your feedback. The good, the bad, the ugly...all of it. This time around is no different, and we've focused heavily on bug fixes, and features that make a real difference to your flow.
There’s a running joke around the Shift office that everyone is always productive—except when they’re not. haha. No, but seriously, unproductivity happens to the best of us. So, to better understand the root causes of our team’s (rare) unproductiveness, we took a poll. Can you guess what the biggest culprit ended up being? Yep, email. But not just email in general. Specifically, the inbox.
I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?
Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming. But are they more hype than help? And is it worth your time to research each and every one before jumping in?
We’re here to help you increase your productivity. In this post, we’re taking a deep dive into ways you can take a load off with Shift and get more sh*t done on your desktop Gmail.
Email has become something we all take for granted. Not too long ago, we used to ask people if they had an email address. Today we just assume everyone has at least one. When someone needs to get in touch with you, they’re more likely to ask you for your email address than your phone number.