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Shift Browser: Your Secure Digital Companion


Joanna Yuen

Marketing & Content Specialist - 24 Jul, 2024


Built with Security in Mind

At Shift, we prioritize transparency and trust above all else. Our browser is crafted with security at its core, ensuring your online experience is protected from the ground up. We conduct thorough security audits and code reviews, implement security patches, and stay ahead of the curve with the latest cybersecurity advancements. This dedication keeps Shift Browser a robust shield for your online activities, continuously adapting to the dynamic landscape of digital security.

Privacy and Security Measures

To ensure the highest level of security and privacy for our users, Shift implements the following measures:

  • Local Processing: None of the content within the emails and apps you add to Shift is ever shared with Shift's servers, employees, or data partners. Your data remains local to your computer.
  • API Access: When you grant Shift access to your accounts, you allow the Shift desktop application on your computer to access certain permissions via OAuth. This is necessary for Shift to provide specific features like Epic Search, Mute Notifications, and Unified Calendar. If you do not wish to use these features, you can deny all permissions and still use your emails within Shift.
  • Authentication Security: Shift integrates email, app, and extension login security. When you log into your accounts in Shift, you're using the security mechanisms of those services to authenticate.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Support: Shift supports various 2FA methods, including push notifications, text messages, and code generators like Google Authenticator. However, some methods, such as security keys and biometric authenticators, are not currently supported. 
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) Support: Shift supports Single-Sign-On (SSO) options, including WebAuthn Security Key on Windows and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), as long as the associated 2FA method is supported. 
  • Data Collection: While Shift does track how you use the application to improve its services, it does not track the content rendered within any of your added accounts or apps.

All data transmitted between your computer and our servers is encrypted using SSL/TLS protocols, the same level of encryption used by banks. Our systems are fortified against various types of cyber attacks, including Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Related Post: How to Secure Your Online Accounts


Transparent Installation and Uninstallation

We believe in giving you full control over your software environment. When you install Shift, we clearly communicate what will be installed and what permissions are required. If you ever decide to remove Shift, we provide straightforward instructions to completely uninstall the browser.

Enhanced Browsing Experience

Shift is designed to enhance your browsing experience while maintaining robust security. Our app integrations are designed with security in mind, ensuring that your data remains protected even as you enjoy seamless workflows across multiple platforms. You can create separate Workspaces for different projects or aspects of your life, each with its own set of security settings. Our email integration allows you to access multiple email accounts securely within Shift, with each account's security protocols fully respected and implemented.

Personalized Ads and Opt-Out Options

While we use retargeting ads to help fund our services and provide a free version of Shift, we respect your right to privacy. We're upfront about our use of retargeting ads and provide clear opt-out instructions for users in jurisdictions with applicable data protection laws. Even when tracking is enabled, we collect only the minimum data necessary to provide our services and improve your experience.

Community and Support

Our commitment to security extends to our support services. Our support staff is trained in security best practices and can assist with any safety concerns. We keep our community informed about the latest security features and best practices through our blog and newsletter. We encourage feedback from our users and take all security-related suggestions seriously. If you have any concerns or questions about Shift, please do not hesitate to contact our support team or review our detailed Privacy Policy.

Related Post: Internet Safety Tips to Help with 14 Common Online Mistakes


Key Terms Explained

  • OAuth (Open Authorization): A protocol that allows secure authorization without sharing passwords.
  • SSL/TLS: Protocols that encrypt data transmitted over the internet.
  • DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service): A type of cyber attack that attempts to overwhelm a system with traffic.
  • Single-Sign-On (SSO): A system that allows users to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials.

Remember, if you have any concerns or questions about Shift, our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you. We're here to help you navigate the digital world safely and efficiently.

Your Secure Digital Companion

Shift Browser is more than just a tool for accessing the internet—it's a secure digital companion designed to protect your online life. From local data storage and encryption to support for advanced authentication methods, every aspect of Shift is crafted with your security and privacy in mind. We're committed to continually improving our security measures and adapting to new challenges in the digital landscape. With Shift, you can browse confidently, knowing that your online security is our top priority. 

Thank you for choosing Shift. Stay safe, and happy browsing!