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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 07 Feb, 2018

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’...

How to Use Emojis On Your Desktop, Like A Boss

Emojis are life! Literally. Anyone who begs to differ clearly isn’t aware t...

2018 Is The Year To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

2018 is almost here, and let’s face it, there is a lot of pressure to set g...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

Become A Shift Ambassador & Get Rewarded

It's time to get your hustle on! We make it simple to start earning referral income with Shift.


Product Evangelist - 15 Dec, 2017

The Best Tips and Tools for Team Collaboration

Keeping your team synergized, day after day and week after week, has its ch...

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are s...

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools and resources—in most cases, digital ones—they have to help them reach their goals, the better they feel about the doing part of the equation.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 04 Dec, 2017

Upgrade Your Productivity with Shift 2.2!

Shift 2.2 launched last night with support for ten new web apps, two more e...

Notification Muting + Vacation Responder: How to Master “I’m Busy”

Finding simple, but useful ways to stay completely focused on your non-emai...

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 07 Feb, 2018

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’...

How to Use Emojis On Your Desktop, Like A Boss

Emojis are life! Literally. Anyone who begs to differ clearly isn’t aware t...

Ridiculously Productive

Shift is the desktop workstation that streamlines all of your apps and accounts in one beautiful place.

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2018 Is The Year To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

2018 is almost here, and let’s face it, there is a lot of pressure to set goals—or at least attempt to. While personal and professional motivations for goal-setting vary, the data shows us that they tend to work, when done right. In fact, when we are thoughtful about the way we set goals, we thrive on the motivation they provide.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 21 Dec, 2017

Become A Shift Ambassador & Get Rewarded

It's time to get your hustle on! We make it simple to start earning refe...

The Best Tips and Tools for Team Collaboration

Keeping your team synergized, day after day and week after week, has its ch...

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming. But are they more hype than help? And is it worth your time to research each and every one before jumping in?


Product Evangelist - 08 Dec, 2017

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools ...

Upgrade Your Productivity with Shift 2.2!

Shift 2.2 launched last night with support for ten new web apps, two more e...

Notification Muting + Vacation Responder: How to Master “I’m Busy”

Finding simple, but useful ways to stay completely focused on your non-email tasks when your inbox is dinging every few minutes can seem like a challenge. When you feel like you’ve run out of hope in finding best ways to balance your email sanity, remember that there may be a couple more aces in the deck. And those aces go by the names of Shift 2.0 Notification Muting and Gmail Vacation Responder.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 23 Nov, 2017

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 07 Feb, 2018

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’s plenty of achieving and believing that goes on when the work environment is open and accessible to all. Equally, however, there remains the risk of losing time, energy, motivation, and patience when the productivity ratio—you know, output over input—is off.


Product Evangelist - 19 Jan, 2018

How to Use Emojis On Your Desktop, Like A Boss

Emojis are life! Literally. Anyone who begs to differ clearly isn’t aware that emoji users around the world manage to share upwards of 6 billion emojis per day. That’s a lot of emoji power. The quiet strength of these everybody-friendly picture characters lies in their multifunctionality. Not to mention, they’re super relatable and relative to the human experience.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 08 Jan, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

2018 Is The Year To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

2018 is almost here, and let’s face it, there is a lot of pressure to set goals—or at least attempt to. While personal and professional motivations for goal-setting vary, the data shows us that they tend to work, when done right. In fact, when we are thoughtful about the way we set goals, we thrive on the motivation they provide.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 21 Dec, 2017

Become A Shift Ambassador & Get Rewarded

It's time to get your hustle on! We make it simple to start earning referral income with Shift.


Product Evangelist - 15 Dec, 2017

The Best Tips and Tools for Team Collaboration

Keeping your team synergized, day after day and week after week, has its challenges. It’s one thing to motivate team members, but it’s a whole other thing to get them to perform. That’s why collaboration is so important to the fabric of teams.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 14 Dec, 2017

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming. But are they more hype than help? And is it worth your time to research each and every one before jumping in?


Product Evangelist - 08 Dec, 2017

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools and resources—in most cases, digital ones—they have to help them reach their goals, the better they feel about the doing part of the equation.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 04 Dec, 2017

Upgrade Your Productivity with Shift 2.2!

Shift 2.2 launched last night with support for ten new web apps, two more extensions, and a whole bunch of product enhancements and feature updates.

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 01 Dec, 2017

Notification Muting + Vacation Responder: How to Master “I’m Busy”

Finding simple, but useful ways to stay completely focused on your non-email tasks when your inbox is dinging every few minutes can seem like a challenge. When you feel like you’ve run out of hope in finding best ways to balance your email sanity, remember that there may be a couple more aces in the deck. And those aces go by the names of Shift 2.0 Notification Muting and Gmail Vacation Responder.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 23 Nov, 2017

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