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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

Set an Expiration Date with Gmail Confidential Mode

Did you know you can protect sensitive information with Gmail confidential mode? If not, get ready to feel like a secret agent.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 09 Nov, 2018

Block Someone on LinkedIn Without Them Knowing

Blocking somebody on any platform is always nerve-wracking. What if they ca...

Deleting a Trello Board (and When Not to)

Sometimes, it proves difficult to get your Trello board looking the way you...

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the ...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

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How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was much less interesting, that's for sure. But did you know that you can also have more than one Reddit account?

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life ...

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. Fro...

How to Set Up Gmail Auto Forwarding (to/from)

Forwarding is undoubtedly one of Gmail's most-used functions. With the help of Shift and Gmail's auto-forwarding feature, you can cut the time you spend on email in half.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

Trello Power-Ups: Supercharge Your Trello Boards

For just about anything you and your team might need, Trello has a power-up...

Facebook Marketplace: a Guide for Beginners

Buying and selling via Facebook was an activity that got its start in Faceb...

Set an Expiration Date with Gmail Confidential Mode

Did you know you can protect sensitive information with Gmail confidential mode? If not, get ready to feel like a secret agent.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 09 Nov, 2018

Block Someone on LinkedIn Without Them Knowing

Blocking somebody on any platform is always nerve-wracking. What if they ca...

Deleting a Trello Board (and When Not to)

Sometimes, it proves difficult to get your Trello board looking the way you...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the same with your Evernote accounts? Follow these steps to change between your Evernote accounts without ever having to sign out or back in again.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was mu...

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life ...

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. From editorial calendars to recipes, and even keeping track of songs and gigs for your band. On top of all of this, Trello's Slack bot integration makes collaboration even easier. Although to do all of this, you probably need to know how to add board members in the first place... We've got you.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

How to Set Up Gmail Auto Forwarding (to/from)

Forwarding is undoubtedly one of Gmail's most-used functions. With the help...

Trello Power-Ups: Supercharge Your Trello Boards

For just about anything you and your team might need, Trello has a power-up...

Facebook Marketplace: a Guide for Beginners

Buying and selling via Facebook was an activity that got its start in Facebook Messenger and Groups. Friends would sell to friends-of-friends, families would sell to other relatives. From there, the world got involved, and these days, you can find just what you needed from the members of your community.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 29 Oct, 2018

Set an Expiration Date with Gmail Confidential Mode

Did you know you can protect sensitive information with Gmail confidential mode? If not, get ready to feel like a secret agent.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 09 Nov, 2018

Block Someone on LinkedIn Without Them Knowing

Blocking somebody on any platform is always nerve-wracking. What if they can tell? Well, if you block someone on LinkedIn, they'll never know. Read on. Our hair is full of secrets.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 08 Nov, 2018

Deleting a Trello Board (and When Not to)

Sometimes, it proves difficult to get your Trello board looking the way you want it to. We've all been there - even us. Maybe the labels aren't working out, or your teammates ignored the layout of the board you have created. Either way, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to start over.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 07 Nov, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the same with your Evernote accounts? Follow these steps to change between your Evernote accounts without ever having to sign out or back in again.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was much less interesting, that's for sure. But did you know that you can also have more than one Reddit account?

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life when it comes to posting on social media and texting with family and friends. OK, so you already knew that. Well, here’s what you probably don’t know: the emoji ‘language’ is becoming a major part of workplace communication and, more specifically, team culture.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Nov, 2018

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. From editorial calendars to recipes, and even keeping track of songs and gigs for your band. On top of all of this, Trello's Slack bot integration makes collaboration even easier. Although to do all of this, you probably need to know how to add board members in the first place... We've got you.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

How to Set Up Gmail Auto Forwarding (to/from)

Forwarding is undoubtedly one of Gmail's most-used functions. With the help of Shift and Gmail's auto-forwarding feature, you can cut the time you spend on email in half.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

Trello Power-Ups: Supercharge Your Trello Boards

For just about anything you and your team might need, Trello has a power-up for it. Whether it's team communication, calendar integration, time-tracking, and even GIFs, there's almost too much choice for techies like us.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 30 Oct, 2018

Facebook Marketplace: a Guide for Beginners

Buying and selling via Facebook was an activity that got its start in Facebook Messenger and Groups. Friends would sell to friends-of-friends, families would sell to other relatives. From there, the world got involved, and these days, you can find just what you needed from the members of your community.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 29 Oct, 2018

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