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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for productivity tricks. ...And since you’re already a Shift Boss, it probably sounds a bit like this: How do you get so much done every day and stay balanced? How did you respond to that email so fast? How did you like my Facebook post less than 1 minute after I published it? How do you keep up with all of your Slack and WhatsApp messages? As much as we all enjoy being a bit smug with our answers to these questions, we enjoy sharing Shift with friends even more… Which is why we created the best referral program ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive...

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You ca...

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts,...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the web with some exciting additions.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 13 Apr, 2018

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright...

How to Stay Productive as an Entrepreneur Working On the Road

Productive people can be found anywhere. We’re inspired by Calvin Rosser, a...

Prioritize Your Work & Write Better Emails With Shift 2.7

Well, friends, March is in full swing, and here at Shift HQ, we are celebrating with the release of Shift 2.7. With each major release, we focus on providing our customers (yeah, that's you) with an even better experience. Between releases, we have our ear to the ground listening to your feedback. The good, the bad, the ugly...all of it. This time around is no different, and we've focused heavily on bug fixes, and features that make a real difference to your flow.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 06 Mar, 2018

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more pr...

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’...

The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for productivity tricks. ...And since you’re already a Shift Boss, it probably sounds a bit like this: How do you get so much done every day and stay balanced? How did you respond to that email so fast? How did you like my Facebook post less than 1 minute after I published it? How do you keep up with all of your Slack and WhatsApp messages? As much as we all enjoy being a bit smug with our answers to these questions, we enjoy sharing Shift with friends even more… Which is why we created the best referral program ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive...

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You ca...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

Download Now
Shift App

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts, texts, and reminders, indicating that we are constantly—and in some cases, involuntarily—connected. Information has never been so readily available, or so distracting. With so much competing for our attention, it seems nearly impossible to completely narrow our focus to the right things. But, research shows that focus is actually the gateway to thinking. Meaning that without it, your thinking—and everything else that follows, like productivity, performance, and concentration—suffers.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 May, 2018

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the ...

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright...

How to Stay Productive as an Entrepreneur Working On the Road

Productive people can be found anywhere. We’re inspired by Calvin Rosser, aka "Positive Cal,” a Princeton graduate, entrepreneur, and writer on a mission to empower 10 million people to live more fulfilling lives. During his career in high finance and building businesses, while traveling to over 25 countries, Calvin has developed an impressive pr

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 30 Mar, 2018

Prioritize Your Work & Write Better Emails With Shift 2.7

Well, friends, March is in full swing, and here at Shift HQ, we are celebra...

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more pr...

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’s plenty of achieving and believing that goes on when the work environment is open and accessible to all. Equally, however, there remains the risk of losing time, energy, motivation, and patience when the productivity ratio—you know, output over input—is off.


Product Evangelist - 19 Jan, 2018

The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for productivity tricks. ...And since you’re already a Shift Boss, it probably sounds a bit like this: How do you get so much done every day and stay balanced? How did you respond to that email so fast? How did you like my Facebook post less than 1 minute after I published it? How do you keep up with all of your Slack and WhatsApp messages? As much as we all enjoy being a bit smug with our answers to these questions, we enjoy sharing Shift with friends even more… Which is why we created the best referral program ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive in one place, getting stuff done gets a lot easier. And while it can be fun to test out new apps as they come on the market, what’s more important is narrowing it down to the ones that make your workflow more effective, and (hopefully) enjoyable.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Jun, 2018

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You can set up a proxy account which can be modified to support your POP/IMAP account.

Mahum Azeem

Developer - 06 Jun, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts, texts, and reminders, indicating that we are constantly—and in some cases, involuntarily—connected. Information has never been so readily available, or so distracting. With so much competing for our attention, it seems nearly impossible to completely narrow our focus to the right things. But, research shows that focus is actually the gateway to thinking. Meaning that without it, your thinking—and everything else that follows, like productivity, performance, and concentration—suffers.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 May, 2018

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the web with some exciting additions.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 13 Apr, 2018

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright and beautiful new look for Shift, just in time for Spring. Toggle between Light and Dark Theme and choose a look that suits you.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Apr, 2018

How to Stay Productive as an Entrepreneur Working On the Road

Productive people can be found anywhere. We’re inspired by Calvin Rosser, aka "Positive Cal,” a Princeton graduate, entrepreneur, and writer on a mission to empower 10 million people to live more fulfilling lives. During his career in high finance and building businesses, while traveling to over 25 countries, Calvin has developed an impressive pr

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 30 Mar, 2018

Prioritize Your Work & Write Better Emails With Shift 2.7

Well, friends, March is in full swing, and here at Shift HQ, we are celebrating with the release of Shift 2.7. With each major release, we focus on providing our customers (yeah, that's you) with an even better experience. Between releases, we have our ear to the ground listening to your feedback. The good, the bad, the ugly...all of it. This time around is no different, and we've focused heavily on bug fixes, and features that make a real difference to your flow.

Michael Foucher

Director of Product - 06 Mar, 2018

How to Fall In Love with Your Productivity Routine

I’m willing to bet any amount of money (okay, $20 at most) that “Be more productive” was somewhere on your list of new year’s resolutions for 2018. Honestly, it’s the type of resolution that ends up on nearly everybody’s list, almost every single year. So why is productivity one of those things that we seem to be forever chasing, but never able to truly achieve?

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 07 Feb, 2018

Tips for Staying Productive in An Open Office

Let’s start by stating the obvious: open offices matter. After all, there’s plenty of achieving and believing that goes on when the work environment is open and accessible to all. Equally, however, there remains the risk of losing time, energy, motivation, and patience when the productivity ratio—you know, output over input—is off.


Product Evangelist - 19 Jan, 2018

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