How to Send an Invoice with Paypal
Some of us just aren't equipped with the math-brain needed to calculate invoices and spreadsheet. That's why the invoice function on PayPal is one of the best things that ever could have happened.
Some of us just aren't equipped with the math-brain needed to calculate invoices and spreadsheet. That's why the invoice function on PayPal is one of the best things that ever could have happened.
With PDFs, you can present just about anything. From presentation slides to flyers and tickets, PDFs are, not-so-secretly, the world's most important file format.
To make the most out of your Slack workspace, you need to have a good handle on channels. Because of that, we made a handy, ultimate guide to Slack channels!
Remember that Google Hangouts conversation you had that one time and then archived it? The good news is, it's not gone forever. Let's get it back!
Have you ever needed to share your contacts for a project? By delegating your contacts in the Google contacts manager, you can do just that.
As we all know, our email inboxes can easily be a black hole with endless incoming messages. In Gmail, you can organize your incoming emails using Gmail filters to label, archive, delete, star or forward the mail automatically.
Staying productive during the holidays is not something we, as humans, are wired for. However, doing so will do us good. And so we've rustled up some top tips for staying productive - regardless of how much prosecco you've had.
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and there's a high chance it came so quickly that you haven't done your Christmas shopping yet. Luckily, there are apps in Shift to help you finish your Christmas shopping early.
With all of those newsletter emails in your inbox, which do you mark as spam? Also, how are you supposed to know which to mark as spam and which to unsubscribe from?
Ah, snooze. One of everyone's favorite words. But what is Gmail Snooze and how do you start using it