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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

The Multitasking Myth: How To Truly Increase Productivity

Multitasking is a skill that's often prized in the business world. Companies like to see applicants who exhibit the ability to juggle multiple projects, clients, or accounts at once. How can we, as marketers with many different priorities, manage this conflict in a way that allows us to best serve the needs of multiple stakeholders at once?

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 07 Dec, 2018

Rules of Productivity: Focus is About Saying ‘No’

Over-commitment is one of those things that serves no purpose other than to...

Welcoming Netflix, Youtube, Todoist, Monday & 100 New Apps to Shift!

Here at Shift, we’re committed to streamlining your workflows, and personal...

Dropbox Login: How to Sign in to 2 or More Accounts

I'm not going to beat around the bush here - having online storage is the B...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

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Gmail Delegation Setup and Removal

With Gmail delegation, you can add another Google user to your Gmail inbox without giving up your password. The delegate can then read and reply to your messages for you while you're busy flying around the globe to attend meetings. It's like having an assistant without giving up your secret password.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Nov, 2018

Slack Status Setup and Customization Guide

Busy? On vacation? Let your teammates know you're occupied with a simple Sl...

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the ...

How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was much less interesting, that's for sure. But did you know that you can also have more than one Reddit account?

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life ...

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. Fro...

The Multitasking Myth: How To Truly Increase Productivity

Multitasking is a skill that's often prized in the business world. Companies like to see applicants who exhibit the ability to juggle multiple projects, clients, or accounts at once. How can we, as marketers with many different priorities, manage this conflict in a way that allows us to best serve the needs of multiple stakeholders at once?

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 07 Dec, 2018

Rules of Productivity: Focus is About Saying ‘No’

Over-commitment is one of those things that serves no purpose other than to...

Welcoming Netflix, Youtube, Todoist, Monday & 100 New Apps to Shift!

Here at Shift, we’re committed to streamlining your workflows, and personal...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

Dropbox Login: How to Sign in to 2 or More Accounts

I'm not going to beat around the bush here - having online storage is the BOMB. It's just a shame you can't be logged in to multiple Dropbox account at a time... but not with Shift.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 21 Nov, 2018

Gmail Delegation Setup and Removal

With Gmail delegation, you can add another Google user to your Gmail inbox ...

Slack Status Setup and Customization Guide

Busy? On vacation? Let your teammates know you're occupied with a simple Sl...

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the same with your Evernote accounts? Follow these steps to change between your Evernote accounts without ever having to sign out or back in again.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was mu...

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life ...

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. From editorial calendars to recipes, and even keeping track of songs and gigs for your band. On top of all of this, Trello's Slack bot integration makes collaboration even easier. Although to do all of this, you probably need to know how to add board members in the first place... We've got you.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

The Multitasking Myth: How To Truly Increase Productivity

Multitasking is a skill that's often prized in the business world. Companies like to see applicants who exhibit the ability to juggle multiple projects, clients, or accounts at once. How can we, as marketers with many different priorities, manage this conflict in a way that allows us to best serve the needs of multiple stakeholders at once?

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 07 Dec, 2018

Rules of Productivity: Focus is About Saying ‘No’

Over-commitment is one of those things that serves no purpose other than to kill, steal, and ruin productivity.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Dec, 2018

Welcoming Netflix, Youtube, Todoist, Monday & 100 New Apps to Shift!

Here at Shift, we’re committed to streamlining your workflows, and personal-life-flows to help you get stuff done more efficiently. We As 2018 comes to a close, we wanted to up our app game significantly, so we’ve added 104 new apps to the mix! *mic drop*

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 23 Nov, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

Dropbox Login: How to Sign in to 2 or More Accounts

I'm not going to beat around the bush here - having online storage is the BOMB. It's just a shame you can't be logged in to multiple Dropbox account at a time... but not with Shift.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 21 Nov, 2018

Gmail Delegation Setup and Removal

With Gmail delegation, you can add another Google user to your Gmail inbox without giving up your password. The delegate can then read and reply to your messages for you while you're busy flying around the globe to attend meetings. It's like having an assistant without giving up your secret password.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Nov, 2018

Slack Status Setup and Customization Guide

Busy? On vacation? Let your teammates know you're occupied with a simple Slack status. When your work is getting on top of you, it's easier to let everyone know via a status. Otherwise, that's just one more thing you have to do when you don't have the time to.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Nov, 2018

How to Switch Between Multiple Evernote Accounts

Keeping your personal life and your work life is vital. So, why not do the same with your Evernote accounts? Follow these steps to change between your Evernote accounts without ever having to sign out or back in again.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Log in to Multiple Reddit Accounts

Do you remember what you did before Reddit? Time spent on the toilet was much less interesting, that's for sure. But did you know that you can also have more than one Reddit account?

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 06 Nov, 2018

How to Use Emojis for Team Productivity

Ask any person with a smartphone and they’ll tell you that emojis are life when it comes to posting on social media and texting with family and friends. OK, so you already knew that. Well, here’s what you probably don’t know: the emoji ‘language’ is becoming a major part of workplace communication and, more specifically, team culture.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Nov, 2018

2 Ways of Adding Someone to a Trello board

Trello can come in handy for organizing just about any sort of project. From editorial calendars to recipes, and even keeping track of songs and gigs for your band. On top of all of this, Trello's Slack bot integration makes collaboration even easier. Although to do all of this, you probably need to know how to add board members in the first place... We've got you.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 01 Nov, 2018

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