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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

10 Tips to Organize Your Email Inbox in 2021 (Gmail and Outlook)

Let's cover specific ways on how to organize Gmail and Outlook to maximize your productivity. 

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 05 May, 2021

5 Simple Tips For Efficient Email Management

Here are a few ways to improve your email management skills so your inbox d...

Overcoming Burnout and the Expectations of the 'Ideal Worker'

It’s not your fault that you feel burnt out, and you are not alone. Burnout...

How to Get an Email Aggregator App for Desktop

A desktop email aggregator can pull everything together in one place, ensur...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How Freelancers Boost Productivity Using Shift

Aligning your priorities and staying organized is the key to freelance success, and that’s where Shift comes in. Learn how to use Shift for all of your freelance needs and supercharge productivity.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 14 Apr, 2021

Personalized Productivity: What's Your Personality Type?

Discover 9 Enneagram personality types and personalize your productivity. T...

How Entrepreneurs Boost Productivity Using Shift

As an entrepreneur, you juggle a pretty chaotic schedule, and staying organ...

Which Productivity Method is Right For You?

The real secret to being productive is personalizing your workflow. Explore the top 7 strategies for productivity and find one that works for you!

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 12 Mar, 2021

The One Month Healthy Habits Challenge: Are You In?

We put together a four-week healthy habits challenge composed of daily, bit...

Best Email Clients and Apps for Desktop

All is not equal when it comes to an email platform. We have a breakdown of...

10 Tips to Organize Your Email Inbox in 2021 (Gmail and Outlook)

Let's cover specific ways on how to organize Gmail and Outlook to maximize your productivity. 

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 05 May, 2021

5 Simple Tips For Efficient Email Management

Here are a few ways to improve your email management skills so your inbox d...

Overcoming Burnout and the Expectations of the 'Ideal Worker'

It’s not your fault that you feel burnt out, and you are not alone. Burnout...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Get an Email Aggregator App for Desktop

A desktop email aggregator can pull everything together in one place, ensuring you never miss a message. There are a few options for aggregating your email on Mac and PC.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 22 Apr, 2021

How Freelancers Boost Productivity Using Shift

Aligning your priorities and staying organized is the key to freelance succ...

Personalized Productivity: What's Your Personality Type?

Discover 9 Enneagram personality types and personalize your productivity. T...

How Entrepreneurs Boost Productivity Using Shift

As an entrepreneur, you juggle a pretty chaotic schedule, and staying organized is the biggest roadblock to success. Shift is a logical and beautiful solution to browser overload and will ultimately transform your workflow.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 22 Mar, 2021

Which Productivity Method is Right For You?

The real secret to being productive is personalizing your workflow. Explore...

The One Month Healthy Habits Challenge: Are You In?

We put together a four-week healthy habits challenge composed of daily, bit...

Best Email Clients and Apps for Desktop

All is not equal when it comes to an email platform. We have a breakdown of the top email platforms to help you ensure you’re getting all the features you need.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 25 Feb, 2021

10 Tips to Organize Your Email Inbox in 2021 (Gmail and Outlook)

Let's cover specific ways on how to organize Gmail and Outlook to maximize your productivity. 

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 05 May, 2021

5 Simple Tips For Efficient Email Management

Here are a few ways to improve your email management skills so your inbox doesn't end up controlling you.

Dimitri Leonov

Cofounder at SaneBox - 04 May, 2021

Overcoming Burnout and the Expectations of the 'Ideal Worker'

It’s not your fault that you feel burnt out, and you are not alone. Burnout is a rising phenomenon that can be linked to workplace culture, work-family conflict, and unrealistic expectations of the 'ideal worker.'

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 30 Apr, 2021

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Get an Email Aggregator App for Desktop

A desktop email aggregator can pull everything together in one place, ensuring you never miss a message. There are a few options for aggregating your email on Mac and PC.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 22 Apr, 2021

How Freelancers Boost Productivity Using Shift

Aligning your priorities and staying organized is the key to freelance success, and that’s where Shift comes in. Learn how to use Shift for all of your freelance needs and supercharge productivity.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 14 Apr, 2021

Personalized Productivity: What's Your Personality Type?

Discover 9 Enneagram personality types and personalize your productivity. This personality type guide will help you identify areas for growth and find the perfect productivity method that works for you.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 07 Apr, 2021

How Entrepreneurs Boost Productivity Using Shift

As an entrepreneur, you juggle a pretty chaotic schedule, and staying organized is the biggest roadblock to success. Shift is a logical and beautiful solution to browser overload and will ultimately transform your workflow.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 22 Mar, 2021

Which Productivity Method is Right For You?

The real secret to being productive is personalizing your workflow. Explore the top 7 strategies for productivity and find one that works for you!

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 12 Mar, 2021

The One Month Healthy Habits Challenge: Are You In?

We put together a four-week healthy habits challenge composed of daily, bite-sized steps to help you transform your workflow and bring productivity to your day. If you’re trying to reach your goals and organize your life with renewed habits, this is the challenge for you.

Sophie Blaine

Marketing Specialist - 26 Feb, 2021

Best Email Clients and Apps for Desktop

All is not equal when it comes to an email platform. We have a breakdown of the top email platforms to help you ensure you’re getting all the features you need.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 25 Feb, 2021

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