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How to Ghost Your Bad Digital Habits


Audrey Rosyadi

Marketing Coordinator - 15 Oct, 2024


Like a ghost or an unpleasant dream, bad digital habits are insidious. Ever-present and impacting our productivity in ways we don’t even realize, saying goodbye to the worst of our digital practices can open up an entirely new online world. In this post, we’re sharing expert tips for how to ghost those bad digital habits, limit distractions, improve focus, and enhance work-life balance. Backed by scientific research, we’ll share actionable ideas for letting go of some of the most harmful digital problems.


What are digital habits? Digital habits are consistent behaviors and routines individuals engage in while using digital devices, applications, and online platforms daily. Bad digital habits can haunt your productivity, creeping into your daily routine and sabotaging your focus.

The problem is, distractions are everywhere. From endless notifications to an overwhelming number of browser tabs, it takes a lot of work to limit attention-stealers throughout the day. But by implementing a few simple strategies, you can "ghost" these distractions, streamline your digital workspace, and boost your focus.

Let’s explore some effective tips to help you break free from bad digital habits and regain control over your productivity.

Tips for Breaking Bad Digital Habits

If you really want to break your bad digital habits, some intentionality is required. Luckily, with a little discipline (and some help from today’s technology) you can rearrange your online life to be more productive and less stressful.

Banish Tab Overload

Problem: Too many open tabs can cause mental clutter, making it difficult to concentrate on any single task.

Solution: Limit the number of tabs you have open at any given time. Utilize read-later apps like Pocket or tools like OneTab to save articles and links for later. This way, you can keep your browser organized and only focus on the tasks at hand, reducing mental strain and enhancing focus.

Some ideas:

  • Limit tabs - Set a personal limit for the number of tabs you can have open at one time (e.g., no more than five). This reduces visual noise and helps prioritize your tasks.
  • Use Read-Later Apps - Tools like Pocket or Instapaper allow you to save articles and links for later reading. This helps you focus on current work without the temptation of browsing.
  • Try OneTab - Consider using browser extensions like OneTab to consolidate all open tabs into a single list. This helps declutter your browser and makes it easier to manage your online resources.
  • Organize Bookmarks - Regularly categorize and organize bookmarks into folders, so you can quickly access important sites without needing to keep them open.
  • Set up Workspaces - The amount of unnecessary tabs that most people leave open would surprise you. You don’t need to keep every tab that you might use visible. Instead, use Shift to set up custom Workspaces that hold the tabs, bookmarks, and accounts that you’ll use in any given scenario - anything from work to travel sports management.

Related post: Too Many Tabs Open? Try These Browser Management Tips

Ghost Your Notifications

Problem: Constant pings and alerts can disrupt your focus, pulling your attention away from important work.

Solution: Set your device to "Do Not Disturb" mode during focused work sessions. Additionally, consider using tools like Freedom to block distracting apps and notifications during specific time periods. This allows you to create a distraction-free environment, enabling you to concentrate fully on your tasks.

Some ideas: 

  • Do Not Disturb Mode - Activate "Do Not Disturb" mode on your devices during important work sessions. This setting silences notifications, allowing you to concentrate without interruptions.
  • Customize Notifications - Review the notifications you receive from apps and disable those that are non-essential. Keep only the most important alerts active.
  • Use Focus Apps - Consider using apps like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites and applications during your work hours. These tools can help create a dedicated focus time.
  • Schedule Notification Breaks - Designate specific times to check notifications rather than allowing them to interrupt your workflow continuously. For example, check notifications every hour.

Cut Out App-Hopping

Problem: Switching between different apps can drain your productivity and lead to fragmented focus.

Solution: Schedule specific times for different tasks and centralize your work in integrated tools like Notion. By compartmentalizing your work and keeping everything in one place, you can minimize app-switching and maintain a steady workflow, allowing for deeper focus on each task.

Some ideas:

  • Task Scheduling - Schedule specific times for different tasks, allocating time blocks for each application (e.g., 9 AM-10 AM for email, 10 AM-11 AM for project management).
  • Centralize Tasks - Use integrated tools like Notion or Trello to manage all your tasks in one place. This reduces the need to switch between multiple apps and keeps your workflow streamlined.
  • Limit App Usage - Identify essential apps for your work and limit your usage to those. Uninstall or hide apps that are not crucial to your productivity.
  • Daily Planning - At the beginning of each day, create a plan outlining which tasks will be addressed in which apps, helping you stay organized and focused.

Declutter Your Digital Space

Problem: A messy desktop or chaotic file system can be a significant distraction, making it hard to find what you need.

Solution: Regularly clean up your files and tabs, adopting a minimalist approach to your digital workspace. Utilize cloud storage solutions to keep your files organized and easily accessible. A decluttered digital environment can lead to a clearer mind and improved focus.

Some ideas:

  • Regular Cleanups - Set aside time each week to declutter your digital workspace, including your desktop, downloads folder, and email inbox.
  • Organize Files - Create a consistent naming and filing system for your documents. Use clear and descriptive names, and organize files into folders by project or category.
  • Utilize Cloud Storage - Leverage cloud storage solutions like Google Drive or Dropbox to store files. This not only keeps your desktop clean but also ensures that your documents are accessible from anywhere.
  • Desktop Background - Use a simple, calming desktop background to minimize distractions, allowing you to focus more on your work.

Related post: How to Declutter Your Browser

Stop Multitasking

Problem: Multitasking often reduces overall productivity and focus, leading to mistakes and incomplete tasks.

Solution: Embrace the Pomodoro Technique, which encourages working in short, focused bursts followed by breaks. You can also use time-tracking apps like Toggl to help you concentrate on one task at a time. This structured approach allows you to direct your energy effectively, enhancing your overall productivity.

Some ideas:

  • Pomodoro Technique - Try the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break. This structured method can enhance concentration and prevent burnout.
  • Time-Tracking Apps - Use time-tracking applications like Toggl to monitor how much time you spend on specific tasks, helping you stay accountable and focused.
  • Single Task Focus - Consciously commit to completing one task at a time, resisting the urge to switch between tasks. This practice can lead to higher-quality work and greater satisfaction.
  • End-of-Day Review - At the end of each day, review what you accomplished and plan for the next day. This reflection can help reinforce the benefits of focusing on single tasks.

Related post: The Ultimate Guide to Digital Minimalism


Do Bad Digital Habits Really Matter?

Just in case you’re wondering about taking the time to clean up your digital space and enhance better digital habits, we’ll share some research. Bad digital habits can lead to a variety of problems that negatively impact productivity, mental health, and overall well-being. Here are some common issues associated with these habits:

  • Reduced focus and concentration - Constant distractions from notifications, open tabs, and app-hopping can make it difficult to concentrate on tasks, resulting in decreased efficiency and quality of work.
  • Mental clutter - An overload of information from excessive tabs or other open items on your device can lead to cognitive overload. This mental clutter can make it challenging to prioritize tasks and think clearly.
  • Increased stress and anxiety - The pressure to keep up with notifications and the feeling of being constantly "on" can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety levels. This often leads to burnout over time.
  • Procrastination and Inefficiency - Bad digital habits often lead to procrastination, as individuals may get sidetracked by social media or unrelated tasks instead of focusing on their responsibilities. This inefficiency can extend deadlines and increase workload.
  • Poor time management - Without a clear structure and focus, individuals may struggle to manage their time effectively, resulting in longer work hours and less work-life balance.
  • Decreased creativity - A fragmented workflow can stifle creativity, as constant interruptions make it difficult to engage in critical  thinking or brainstorming sessions.
  • Neglect of important tasks - With so many distractions, crucial tasks may fall by the wayside, leading to missed deadlines and opportunities. It’s easy to get sidetracked when you need to check on something or complete a separate task when  you’re in the middle of a project.

If you’re able to address bad digital habits, you’ll find enhanced productivity and improved mental health. By creating a more organized digital environment, you can work more efficiently and achieve better outcomes. Furthermore, reducing digital clutter and interruptions can lower stress and anxiety levels.

Digital addiction comes with even more problems and is known to impact sleep patterns. Research shows that these sleep disruptions can lead to long-term sleep deprivation that we don’t even notice. That sleep deprivation leads to a weakened immune system, weight gain, and hormone changes.

Finally, cleaning up your bad digital habits will help you to achieve better work-life balance. That feeling that you may have in our hyper-connected world of always being “on” used to be reserved for super-demanding roles like a surgeon. Now, most people that use devices for the job feel that way to some degree. By creating boundaries, limiting interruptions, and protecting your online space, you’ll have more time to spend the way you want to. You’ll also have work on your mind a lot less, which is great for you (and those around you).

You can read more about the overall impact of your digital environment on mental health in our recent blog.

How Can Shift Offer Support?

Simply switching your browser is a powerful way to begin ditching your digital bad habits. Shift is an innovative, app-integrated platform designed to assist users in achieving digital minimalism and enhanced productivity. By consolidating apps, email accounts, and tabs into a single streamlined location, users can create personalized online spaces that meet their unique needs - without endless logging in and out or toggling between accounts.

One of the most-loved features, Workspaces, allows users to categorize and group their applications and emails, enhancing organization. Many users set up one Workspace for professional tasks and communication and another for personal management. For example, in your professional Workspace you might have Slack, Trello, and your CRM system; while in a “home” Workspace you have Instagram, banking, and your grocery list app. This also limits distractions and gives users a unified inbox for managing notifications.

App integrations ensure that all your tools work harmoniously together, while the individual bookmark bar for each Workspace provides easy navigation. Custom notifications help you stay informed without being overwhelmed, and the Unified Calendar feature allows you to manage your schedule effortlessly no matter which platform you use.

By implementing these tips, you can significantly reduce distractions and enhance your focus in the digital realm. Your digital environment shouldn’t feel overwhelming or scary. Remember, it’s all about creating an environment that fosters productivity and minimizes interruptions. Work towards cleaning up those bad practices that are holding you back, and bring your productivity back to life.

Related post: What is Shift Browser? One Window for Everything You Do Online