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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

How to Avoid Meeting Overload

Discussing the very real problem of too many meetings, and what you can do to avoid meeting overload.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 10 Oct, 2022

Zoom Fatigue is Real: The Causes and Effects of Meeting Exhaustion

What causes “Zoom fatigue”? How does it manifest? And most importantly, wha...

How to Get a Desktop App for Google Keep (Mac or PC)

If you are using Google Keep, you might be wondering how to install a deskt...

How to Manage Multiple Microsoft Accounts

How can you streamline your efforts to make the most of various Microsoft a...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

Download Now
Shift App

What Work Style Are You?

Discover the different work styles and how teams can take advantage of them.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 13 Sep, 2022

Why September is the Most Productive Month

September represents the final push toward yearly objectives for many compa...

10 Toxic Productivity Myths

We encourage you to explore new ways of being your most productive self. St...

Spotlight: Being Intentional With Remote Work

Head of Remote at Doist, Chase Warrington, shares how he builds team culture and makes the most of his workday.

Rachel Aiken

Copywriter - 01 Sep, 2022

The Do's and Don’ts of a Great Workcation: Tips for Employees

Our top tips for what to do and what not to do when it comes to a successfu...

The Do's and Don’ts of Allowing Workcations: Tips for Employers

Here’s everything you need to know about granting a workcation for your emp...

How to Avoid Meeting Overload

Discussing the very real problem of too many meetings, and what you can do to avoid meeting overload.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 10 Oct, 2022

Zoom Fatigue is Real: The Causes and Effects of Meeting Exhaustion

What causes “Zoom fatigue”? How does it manifest? And most importantly, wha...

How to Get a Desktop App for Google Keep (Mac or PC)

If you are using Google Keep, you might be wondering how to install a deskt...

Tired of switching between accounts? Get Shift.

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps.

Download Now
Shift App

How to Manage Multiple Microsoft Accounts

How can you streamline your efforts to make the most of various Microsoft accounts? 

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 19 Sep, 2022

What Work Style Are You?

Discover the different work styles and how teams can take advantage of them...

Why September is the Most Productive Month

September represents the final push toward yearly objectives for many compa...

10 Toxic Productivity Myths

We encourage you to explore new ways of being your most productive self. Start by busting these 10 toxic productivity myths.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 06 Sep, 2022

Spotlight: Being Intentional With Remote Work

Head of Remote at Doist, Chase Warrington, shares how he builds team cultur...

The Do's and Don’ts of a Great Workcation: Tips for Employees

Our top tips for what to do and what not to do when it comes to a successfu...

The Do's and Don’ts of Allowing Workcations: Tips for Employers

Here’s everything you need to know about granting a workcation for your employees.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 22 Aug, 2022

How to Avoid Meeting Overload

Discussing the very real problem of too many meetings, and what you can do to avoid meeting overload.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 10 Oct, 2022

Zoom Fatigue is Real: The Causes and Effects of Meeting Exhaustion

What causes “Zoom fatigue”? How does it manifest? And most importantly, what can you do about it?

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 05 Oct, 2022

How to Get a Desktop App for Google Keep (Mac or PC)

If you are using Google Keep, you might be wondering how to install a desktop app so that you can make the most of it.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 22 Sep, 2022

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Manage Multiple Microsoft Accounts

How can you streamline your efforts to make the most of various Microsoft accounts? 

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 19 Sep, 2022

What Work Style Are You?

Discover the different work styles and how teams can take advantage of them.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 13 Sep, 2022

Why September is the Most Productive Month

September represents the final push toward yearly objectives for many companies. Here’s how to make the most of September.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 08 Sep, 2022

10 Toxic Productivity Myths

We encourage you to explore new ways of being your most productive self. Start by busting these 10 toxic productivity myths.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 06 Sep, 2022

Spotlight: Being Intentional With Remote Work

Head of Remote at Doist, Chase Warrington, shares how he builds team culture and makes the most of his workday.

Rachel Aiken

Copywriter - 01 Sep, 2022

The Do's and Don’ts of a Great Workcation: Tips for Employees

Our top tips for what to do and what not to do when it comes to a successful workcation.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 30 Aug, 2022

The Do's and Don’ts of Allowing Workcations: Tips for Employers

Here’s everything you need to know about granting a workcation for your employees.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 22 Aug, 2022

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