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Shift's Toggle Tax Rebate


Joanna Yuen

Marketing & Content Specialist - 19 Aug, 2024


Get Your Toggle Tax Rebate

At Shift, we’re on a mission to end Toggle Tax — the productivity loss you experience due to frequent task, tab, or app switching.

Did you know you lose 4 hours a week* from switching between browser tabs? Everytime you toggle between windows your brain has to reorient itself. According to a Harvard Business Review study, excessive toggling increases your brain’s production of cortisol (the primary stress hormone), slows you down, and makes it harder to focus on what you’re doing.*

As the power browser that turns the chaos of being online into a seamless experience, we want to help you make the most of your day by offering a Toggle Tax Rebate to claim back your time.

Submit your name and email, and share what you’d rather be doing with an extra 4 hours of your life back. Shift will send a select number of entrants a Toggle Tax Rebate in the form of a $100 gift card to Airbnb, Ticketmaster, Netflix, Coursera, Uber, or Lyft, which are some of Shift’s most popular app partners.

Fill out the form below!


The Toggle Tax Rebate is open from August 20, 2024 to August 27, 2024, 11:59pm EST.

Download Shift now to experience a faster, more organized way to browse the internet, manage your emails, and access your favorite apps.

Shift transforms your digital life

Your digital life is complicated: multiple windows, dozens of tabs, logins, apps, and accounts. But Shift makes it simple. Connect multiple email accounts, access thousands of web apps like Airbnb, Todoist, and WhatsApp without leaving your browser, and effortlessly organize it into workspaces that keep different kinds of tabs, inboxes, and profiles separate. Switching between work, personal life, and travel planning couldn’t be more seamless.

Download Shift Now

*Harvard Business Review: “How Much Time and Energy Do We Waste Toggling Between Applications?”