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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

Is it Time For More Transparency Around Pay?

Wouldn't you like to know how much your co-workers are making? How do you stack up? Are you being exploited by your employer?

Kaitlyn Su

Marketing & Partnerships Coordinator - 21 Jul, 2022

Shift v8 is Here (And it's Kind of a Big Deal)

Some exciting news today, and it’s been a long time coming: we’ve officiall...

Are you a Hunter or a Gatherer in the World of Work?

“Hunters'' tend to be individuals motivated by the “chase”, eager to make a...

Everything You Need to Know about Shift for Teams

Ready to improve your teams communication while streamlining workflow? Lea...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

10 Best Wellness Apps

While you’re choosing stay-healthy apps, don’t forget your mental wellness. To get you started, we’ve pulled together 10 of our favorite wellness apps.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 19 Jan, 2022

5 Ways to Bring Wellness into your Workplace

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits daily to attain better phy...

How to Manage Multiple OneDrive Accounts

Moving between OneDrive accounts can be a little tricky. With the right too...

2021 Shift Year In Review

As we reflect on this past year, we couldn’t be more proud of this global community and everything we have accomplished together. Join us as we look back on this year’s top trends and highlights in work and productivity. 

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 20 Dec, 2021

2021's Best Cyber Monday Deals are Here!

In the spirit of productivity, we're teaming up with our app partners to br...

Give Thanks, to Your Computer.

For many of us the past year and a half has shifted up all sense of normalc...

Is it Time For More Transparency Around Pay?

Wouldn't you like to know how much your co-workers are making? How do you stack up? Are you being exploited by your employer?

Kaitlyn Su

Marketing & Partnerships Coordinator - 21 Jul, 2022

Shift v8 is Here (And it's Kind of a Big Deal)

Some exciting news today, and it’s been a long time coming: we’ve officiall...

Are you a Hunter or a Gatherer in the World of Work?

“Hunters'' tend to be individuals motivated by the “chase”, eager to make a...

Ridiculously Productive

Shift is the desktop workstation that streamlines all of your apps and accounts in one beautiful place.

Typing Apps
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Everything You Need to Know about Shift for Teams

Ready to improve your teams communication while streamlining workflow? Learn more about Shift for Teams!

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 02 Feb, 2022

10 Best Wellness Apps

While you’re choosing stay-healthy apps, don’t forget your mental wellness....

5 Ways to Bring Wellness into your Workplace

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits daily to attain better phy...

How to Manage Multiple OneDrive Accounts

Moving between OneDrive accounts can be a little tricky. With the right tools, though, you can move seamlessly between OneDrive accounts throughout the day. We’ll work through all your options to find the one that works best for you.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 10 Jan, 2022

2021 Shift Year In Review

As we reflect on this past year, we couldn’t be more proud of this global c...

2021's Best Cyber Monday Deals are Here!

In the spirit of productivity, we're teaming up with our app partners to br...

Give Thanks, to Your Computer.

For many of us the past year and a half has shifted up all sense of normalcy. Our homes became much more than just a roof over our heads, they became our office, classroom, gym, restaurant and so much more. The piece that made it all work?  Your computer. With the giving season upon us gift your computer some love this year after all it has been through.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 25 Nov, 2021

Is it Time For More Transparency Around Pay?

Wouldn't you like to know how much your co-workers are making? How do you stack up? Are you being exploited by your employer?

Kaitlyn Su

Marketing & Partnerships Coordinator - 21 Jul, 2022

Shift v8 is Here (And it's Kind of a Big Deal)

Some exciting news today, and it’s been a long time coming: we’ve officially launched v8, aka, the best version of Shift ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 15 Jul, 2022

Are you a Hunter or a Gatherer in the World of Work?

“Hunters'' tend to be individuals motivated by the “chase”, eager to make a splash no matter the odds. ‘Gatherers’ tend to be more motivated by consistent praise from management, and cautious about taking risk without the assurance of reward. Which are you?

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 10 Mar, 2022

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

Everything You Need to Know about Shift for Teams

Ready to improve your teams communication while streamlining workflow? Learn more about Shift for Teams!

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 02 Feb, 2022

10 Best Wellness Apps

While you’re choosing stay-healthy apps, don’t forget your mental wellness. To get you started, we’ve pulled together 10 of our favorite wellness apps.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 19 Jan, 2022

5 Ways to Bring Wellness into your Workplace

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits daily to attain better physical and mental health outcomes so that instead of just surviving, you're thriving. Read more to learn five new ways to bring wellness into your workplace this year.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 17 Jan, 2022

How to Manage Multiple OneDrive Accounts

Moving between OneDrive accounts can be a little tricky. With the right tools, though, you can move seamlessly between OneDrive accounts throughout the day. We’ll work through all your options to find the one that works best for you.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 10 Jan, 2022

2021 Shift Year In Review

As we reflect on this past year, we couldn’t be more proud of this global community and everything we have accomplished together. Join us as we look back on this year’s top trends and highlights in work and productivity. 

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 20 Dec, 2021

2021's Best Cyber Monday Deals are Here!

In the spirit of productivity, we're teaming up with our app partners to bring you this years best Cyber Monday deals!

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 29 Nov, 2021

Give Thanks, to Your Computer.

For many of us the past year and a half has shifted up all sense of normalcy. Our homes became much more than just a roof over our heads, they became our office, classroom, gym, restaurant and so much more. The piece that made it all work?  Your computer. With the giving season upon us gift your computer some love this year after all it has been through.

Madeleine Beach

Marketing Coordinator - 25 Nov, 2021

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