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Why Everyone Needs an App Integrated Browser


Joanna Yuen

Marketing & Content Specialist - 17 Apr, 2024


Think about how you have used the internet today. Now consider how you used the internet 10 or 15 years ago. It can be hard to remember a time when the internet wasn’t right at our fingertips all day long, and even harder to remember when it didn’t exist at all. The fact is, the internet is constantly evolving - as is our behavior alongside it.

With the advent of specific apps, we all began a new relationship with our devices. Most of us count on apps throughout our day for everything from background noise while we sleep to checking email and bank statements and picking up dinner on the way home - not to mention working and communicating all of the hours in between. The number and functionality of today’s apps is astounding, and can make our lives easier in so many ways.

However, the increase in app use means it's time to reconsider the browser you’re using. Legacy browsers weren’t designed for today’s internet. Traditional browsers were built for finding information online, but today’s internet users need the internet for so much more than browsing. Communication, scheduling, banking, entertainment, education, work — it all happens online in apps, tabs, and windows. New technology must support both convenience and speed, while literally enabling the digital world around us. Simply put: standard browsers aren’t cutting it anymore, and it’s time to look for a solution that responds to our current needs.

Where App Integrated Browsers Come In

An app-integrated browser refers to a web browser that merges all of your web apps into one window. Essentially, this offers one powerful place that is home to all of the apps that you need to use, all without leaving your browser.

Imagine streamlining everything you do online, and connecting all of your Gmail, Outlook, Office365 accounts, and more. Not only that, you can build out the browser with apps that integrate seamlessly so that you have ultra-fast access to all the tools you use to stream, shop, work, browse, and stay connected.One of the biggest benefits is that you can stay logged into multiple accounts within the same app so you can toggle between profiles easily. This allows users to create multiple browser workspaces that keep different kinds of tabs, bookmarks, apps, and inboxes separate.

These browsers go far beyond supporting a simple Google search or opening a web page. They can essentially work as your email manager, while integrating the other apps you use like Slack or GSuite. You can create unified calendars and customize notifications across all of the different platforms you use, taking more control over the huge amount of information you deal with online every day. All within focused browser Workspaces that you can create and customize, you can also take advantage of Epic search, which is one simple search function across all of your apps and inboxes.

In summary, an app integrated browser goes far beyond using the internet for simple search. Instead, an app integrated browser like Shift is a hub designed to streamline and simplify everything you do online, creating a more convenient and quick user experience.

Related Video: The Ultimate Guide to Using Apps in Your Browser

What is the Problem with Traditional Browsers?

You might be asking “What’s so wrong with the browser I already use?” And, while nothing is necessarily wrong, it’s important to think of the ways that things could be going better. As you’re no doubt aware, the ways that we all interact with the internet are so different from when most browsers were created. We depend on browsers to power much of our lives now, not simply browse for information.

Regular, standalone web browsers have some limitations and issues that an app integrated browser can better address, such as:

Security vulnerabilities

Other browsers are often targeted by hackers and cybercriminals due to their widespread usage. They may have security vulnerabilities that can be exploited to gain unauthorized access to user data or inject malicious code. App-integrated browsers can benefit from the security measures and updates provided by the app developers, offering a more secure browsing experience.

Limited privacy controls

Regular browsers may have limited privacy controls, making it difficult for users to protect their personal information. They may lack built-in features to block tracking mechanisms, prevent data collection, or provide anonymous browsing options. App-integrated browsers can offer enhanced privacy controls, such as ad-blocking, anti-tracking measures, and secure browsing modes, to give users more control over their privacy.

Integration with app ecosystems

App-integrated browsers are designed to seamlessly integrate within the larger app ecosystem, while traditional browsers are not. This integration allows users to access web content within the app interface, eliminating the need to switch between different apps or browsers. It provides a more convenient and streamlined browsing experience for users. With other browsers, you need to leave the platform you are on to explore something else, and then toggle back. You may be automatically logged out and have to log back in - over and over. Shift puts an end to this and allows users to access tools directly from their browser, without the logging in and out struggle.

Customization of the user experience

Traditional browsers take more of a one-size-fits-all approach. While there is a lot of choice in which browser to pick, after that you are pretty much stuck with the offering as-is. App-integrated browsers can be tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of the app users. They can offer a more customized user interface, personalized settings, and additional functionalities that cater to the app's purpose or target audience. This enhances the overall user experience and makes browsing more user-friendly.

Accessing app-specific features

One of the best things about a browser like Shift is that users can take advantage of the capabilities and features of other apps without leaving their browser. Seamlessly use app functionalities such as the ability to share content or sync data, which can add a lot of value to the app experience and provide a more cohesive environment for users.

There’s no doubt that regular browsers serve a wide range of users and purposes. That being said, an app-integrated browser like Shift offers additional benefits in terms of security, privacy, integration, customization, and user experience. They provide a more tailored and user-friendly browsing experience that is designed to complement the current app ecosystem.

Related Post: How to Run Multiple Apps in Your Browser


Shift: Streamline Your Online Activity

Shift is the first app-integrated browser. It streamlines your digital life into a single, intuitive view. Known for convenience and speed, Shift ensures that all of the accounts, profiles, and tools you rely on are intuitively within reach. Plus, Shift eliminates the need for searching, opening, and logging into accounts, which allows users to quickly manage their digital life with ease. Shift was designed differently from other browsers, and offers these powerful features that make overall online management easier:

  • Seamless App integration -  Choose from over 1,500 integrated apps and connect each of your accounts for convenient access.
  • Epic Search - Search across all of your accounts, apps, files, and tools to find exactly what you’re looking for, all in a single search.
  • Unified Calendar - Sync each of your calendars into one convenient view.
  • Bookmarks Manager - Organize and save your most-used websites into a focused and customizable bookmarks bar.
  • Notifications Management - Customize notification settings to schedule quiet hours, mute alerts, or show/hide unread badges for focused browsing.
  • Email Management -  Manage all of your email accounts across Gmail, Outlook, and Office 365 in one centralized window.
  • Workspaces - Whether it’s for work or personal, Shift organizes your apps, accounts, tabs, and bookmarks into dedicated workspaces for focused browsing.

In particular, users find that the enhanced notification management and Workspace offering can really transform the way they use the internet. Shift makes it easy to implement some of the important best practices that can reduce app clutter. For example, one of the most annoying aspects of today’s online landscape is being exposed to too many notifications, which can limit productivity. With Shift, you can streamline notifications so that you get them all in one place, and only in the way that you want them to appear. Shift makes it easy to customize the notifications that you get from various platforms, so that they can actually be helpful rather than cumbersome.

Additionally, Shift allows you to set up Workspaces that contain your favorite tabs, bookmarks, and accounts. This makes it simple to have important tabs on-hand and organized by workspace, then bookmark them for quick access later on. You can even add your favorite extensions and make sure they are set up with the programs you use most in your browser. Leveraging Workspaces is a great way to cut down the logging in and out process that can be so time-consuming. With Workspaces, you can personalize your online environment so that it’s most effective for what you want to do. For example, in a Workspace for your job, you might have Slack, Trello, and your company intranet, while a personal one has your banking accounts, Instagram, and your child’s school site. Either way, you can skip the endless logging in and out and jump right into your preferred internet environment whenever you need to.

What You Need to Know About Shift

Shift is an innovative browser that was created with productivity in mind. Designed to streamline your online activities, Shift is helpful for improving both the user experience and the speed with which you navigate in your browser. Here’s what Shift offers that sets it apart from other browsers:

Speed and performance

A productivity-focused browser is designed to be fast and efficient, allowing you to navigate the web seamlessly. It minimizes loading times, reduces resource consumption, and provides a smooth browsing experience. By saving time on page loading and rendering, you can focus more on your work and accomplish tasks more quickly.

Tab management

One of the biggest challenges in web browsing is managing multiple tabs. A productivity-oriented browser offers advanced tab management features such as tab grouping, pinning, and suspending inactive tabs. These features help you organize your workflow, reduce clutter, and easily switch between tasks, improving your multitasking abilities.

Productivity extensions and add-ons

Many browsers offer a wide range of productivity extensions and add-ons that can enhance your browsing experience. These tools provide features like note-taking, task management, password management, ad blockers, and more. By integrating these extensions into your browser, you can streamline your workflow, increase focus, and eliminate distractions.

Customization options

A productivity-focused browser typically offers a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the browser to your specific needs. You can personalize the interface, choose your preferred search engine, change keyboard shortcuts, and customize privacy and security settings. This level of customization ensures that the browser adapts to your workflow and enhances your productivity.

Built-in productivity tools

Some browsers come with built-in productivity tools that go beyond standard browsing capabilities. These tools can include features like integrated note-taking, built-in task managers, calendar integration, email clients, and more. By having these tools readily available within your browser, you can streamline your workflow, eliminate the need for additional apps, and increase your overall productivity.

Security and privacy features

A productivity-focused browser understands the importance of maintaining a secure and private browsing experience. It offers robust security features such as built-in ad blockers, anti-tracking mechanisms, phishing protection, and encrypted connections. By protecting your online activities and data, you can browse the web with peace of mind and focus on your work without worrying about security threats.

Cross-platform compatibility

A browser that helps with productivity is often available across multiple platforms, including desktop, mobile, and tablet devices. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that you can seamlessly transition between devices and continue your work without any disruptions. It allows you to access your bookmarks, browsing history, and extensions across different devices, increasing your productivity and flexibility.

Related Post: The Best Browsers for Overall Productivity


Download Shift today and see how it can improve your overall internet experience - we’re betting you won’t want to go back to outdated browsers.