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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 10 Apr, 2018

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if...

How to Make The Most of Asana for Your Team

When it comes to popular task management platforms, Asana is fairly high on...

How to Use Slack More Efficiently

If you’ve ever used any type of online workspace for teams, chances are you...

Ridiculously Productive

Shift is the desktop workstation that streamlines all of your apps and accounts in one beautiful place.

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Optimizing Your Inbox With the Boomerang Extension

There’s a running joke around the Shift office that everyone is always productive—except when they’re not. haha. No, but seriously, unproductivity happens to the best of us. So, to better understand the root causes of our team’s (rare) unproductiveness, we took a poll. Can you guess what the biggest culprit ended up being? Yep, email. But not just email in general. Specifically, the inbox.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 15 Feb, 2018

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are s...

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools ...

The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!

Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts together, in one sleek application, with support for Boomerang, and Grammarly too!

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 01 Nov, 2017

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 10 Apr, 2018

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if...

How to Make The Most of Asana for Your Team

When it comes to popular task management platforms, Asana is fairly high on...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Use Slack More Efficiently

If you’ve ever used any type of online workspace for teams, chances are you’ve heard of Slack. Much like other digital mediums of its kind, Slack allows teams to collaborate, communicate, share, plan, celebrate, and do nearly whatever else it takes to get stuff done—together. However, if your team is spread across the country, globe, or even companies (yes, companies), you’ll appreciate the innovative collaboration features Slack offers for keeping you and those you’re working with connected and productive.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Mar, 2018

Optimizing Your Inbox With the Boomerang Extension

There’s a running joke around the Shift office that everyone is always prod...

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are s...

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools and resources—in most cases, digital ones—they have to help them reach their goals, the better they feel about the doing part of the equation.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 04 Dec, 2017

The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!

Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts ...

How to Log In to Multiple Email Asana Accounts

It's time to get smarter about the way you use Asana. Kick the log-in, log-out, and log-back-in process to the curb and scale up your productivity by merging all your Asana accounts.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 10 Apr, 2018

How to Use Facebook Messenger on Your Desktop

Chances are if you've heard of Facebook, you’ve heard of Messenger. But, if the latter isn’t true, you’ll learn the best of the basics for using the application in this article. In short, Messenger is the instant messaging extension of Facebook. The app was released in 2011 and has since rivaled the features and functionality of most other similar apps. The Facebook Messenger app is designed to go well beyond standard text messaging by offering features like HD video calling, voice messaging, and group chat. Don’t have a Facebook account, you say? No worries.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 20 Mar, 2018

How to Make The Most of Asana for Your Team

When it comes to popular task management platforms, Asana is fairly high on the list. For most teams, Asana is the go-to productivity platform used to supplement every single project; while for others, it serves as the catch-all platform for tasks that don’t call for a specialized software or system. But regardless of if you’re an avid user of Asana or you’re just getting started with it, this article is for you.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 15 Mar, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Use Slack More Efficiently

If you’ve ever used any type of online workspace for teams, chances are you’ve heard of Slack. Much like other digital mediums of its kind, Slack allows teams to collaborate, communicate, share, plan, celebrate, and do nearly whatever else it takes to get stuff done—together. However, if your team is spread across the country, globe, or even companies (yes, companies), you’ll appreciate the innovative collaboration features Slack offers for keeping you and those you’re working with connected and productive.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Mar, 2018

Optimizing Your Inbox With the Boomerang Extension

There’s a running joke around the Shift office that everyone is always productive—except when they’re not. haha. No, but seriously, unproductivity happens to the best of us. So, to better understand the root causes of our team’s (rare) unproductiveness, we took a poll. Can you guess what the biggest culprit ended up being? Yep, email. But not just email in general. Specifically, the inbox.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 15 Feb, 2018

10 Apps That Make Life Easier and More Productive

Productivity apps are diverse in both design and use, but since there are so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming. But are they more hype than help? And is it worth your time to research each and every one before jumping in?


Product Evangelist - 08 Dec, 2017

How to Manage Slack and Email At the Same Time (And Stay Productive!)

These days, people are all about getting stuff done. And the more tools and resources—in most cases, digital ones—they have to help them reach their goals, the better they feel about the doing part of the equation.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 04 Dec, 2017

The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!

Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts together, in one sleek application, with support for Boomerang, and Grammarly too!

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 01 Nov, 2017