20 Days of Productivity for 2020

In the spirit of productivity, we're teaming up with our app partners to ring in 2020 with 20 Days of Productivity. Starting January 6th and continuing each week day for the month of January, we'll be delivering 20 exclusive perks, deals, and tips on our blog, social media accounts and email blasts.

Simon Vreeswijk

Director of Marketing - 05 Jan, 2020

How to Get Grammarly for Chrome

One of Grammarly's biggest benefits is its number of integrations. One of its most popular applications - its Chrome extension - is now even in its Beta phase for Google Docs. It's also really simple to start using...

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 21 Feb, 2019

Top Productivity Tips and Apps for 2019

So, there’s this pretty cool thing that happens after every 12 months where a new year comes about (HINT: it starts the day after December 31). To us, this time of transition from old to new is nothing short of exciting!

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 20 Dec, 2018

How to Stay Productive as an Entrepreneur Working On the Road

Productive people can be found anywhere. We’re inspired by Calvin Rosser, aka "Positive Cal,” a Princeton graduate, entrepreneur, and writer on a mission to empower 10 million people to live more fulfilling lives. During his career in high finance and building businesses, while traveling to over 25 countries, Calvin has developed an impressive pr

Lisa Ellis

Marketing Specialist - 30 Mar, 2018

2018 Is The Year To Set Goals You Can Actually Achieve

2018 is almost here, and let’s face it, there is a lot of pressure to set goals—or at least attempt to. While personal and professional motivations for goal-setting vary, the data shows us that they tend to work, when done right. In fact, when we are thoughtful about the way we set goals, we thrive on the motivation they provide.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 21 Dec, 2017

Shift 2.0 Just Launched, and Your Productivity Dreams Have Come True

Less than one year since the launch of Shift, and today, I am pleased to announce the launch of Shift 2.0! 


Product Evangelist - 01 Nov, 2017

The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!

Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts together, in one sleek application, with support for Boomerang, and Grammarly too!

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 01 Nov, 2017