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The Shift Blog

Updates, tips & tricks to become a browser pro.

Listen Up, Inbox By Gmail Users: Here's What You Need To Know

Google just announced its plan to phase out Inbox by Gmail by the end of March 2019 “to focus solely on Gmail.” After its initial invitation-only release in 2014, Inbox by Gmail has been a testing ground for new email functions.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Sep, 2018

The Ultimate Hack: Boost Your Team's Productivity

We all have a few productivity tools that are critical to project managemen...

Top Productivity Tips Really Smart People Use

They say time is the only thing we can’t get more of, which is why we’re so...

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on ...

Ridiculously Productive

Shift is the desktop workstation that streamlines all of your apps and accounts in one beautiful place.

Typing Apps
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The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for productivity tricks. ...And since you’re already a Shift Boss, it probably sounds a bit like this: How do you get so much done every day and stay balanced? How did you respond to that email so fast? How did you like my Facebook post less than 1 minute after I published it? How do you keep up with all of your Slack and WhatsApp messages? As much as we all enjoy being a bit smug with our answers to these questions, we enjoy sharing Shift with friends even more… Which is why we created the best referral program ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive...

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You ca...

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts, texts, and reminders, indicating that we are constantly—and in some cases, involuntarily—connected. Information has never been so readily available, or so distracting. With so much competing for our attention, it seems nearly impossible to completely narrow our focus to the right things. But, research shows that focus is actually the gateway to thinking. Meaning that without it, your thinking—and everything else that follows, like productivity, performance, and concentration—suffers.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 May, 2018

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the ...

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright...

Listen Up, Inbox By Gmail Users: Here's What You Need To Know

Google just announced its plan to phase out Inbox by Gmail by the end of March 2019 “to focus solely on Gmail.” After its initial invitation-only release in 2014, Inbox by Gmail has been a testing ground for new email functions.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Sep, 2018

The Ultimate Hack: Boost Your Team's Productivity

We all have a few productivity tools that are critical to project managemen...

Top Productivity Tips Really Smart People Use

They say time is the only thing we can’t get more of, which is why we’re so...

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on Facebook, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ve heard of or used Facebook Business Manager. This handy platform makes it easy to take control of your company’s Facebook page and ad campaigns.    In this article, we’ll discuss two simple ways to manage multiple accounts at once. But first, let’s dive into some of its best features.

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 12 Jul, 2018

The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for pr...

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive...

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You can set up a proxy account which can be modified to support your POP/IMAP account.

Mahum Azeem

Developer - 06 Jun, 2018

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts,...

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the ...

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright and beautiful new look for Shift, just in time for Spring. Toggle between Light and Dark Theme and choose a look that suits you.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Apr, 2018

Listen Up, Inbox By Gmail Users: Here's What You Need To Know

Google just announced its plan to phase out Inbox by Gmail by the end of March 2019 “to focus solely on Gmail.” After its initial invitation-only release in 2014, Inbox by Gmail has been a testing ground for new email functions.

Jaeyou Park

Marketing Associate - 14 Sep, 2018

The Ultimate Hack: Boost Your Team's Productivity

We all have a few productivity tools that are critical to project management and team collaboration, and yet, it's easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of options out there. Increasing the number of apps and accounts you and your team manage daily can actually compromise productivity.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 08 Aug, 2018

Top Productivity Tips Really Smart People Use

They say time is the only thing we can’t get more of, which is why we’re so passionate about finding shortcuts that work.Let’s face it—whether you fancy yourself a productivity master or not (yet)—we all need a little nudge here and there to help us re-center our day and focus. 

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Jul, 2018

Tired of switching beetween accounts? Get Shift!

Shift is a logical & beautiful solution for managing everything better. Gmail, Calendar, Drive + all of your favorite apps!

Small Shift Download Now

How to Use Facebook Business Manager for Multiple Accounts

If you’re part of a marketing team or have done any form of advertising on Facebook, it’s almost guaranteed that you’ve heard of or used Facebook Business Manager. This handy platform makes it easy to take control of your company’s Facebook page and ad campaigns.    In this article, we’ll discuss two simple ways to manage multiple accounts at once. But first, let’s dive into some of its best features.

Olivia Scholes

Marketing Associate - 12 Jul, 2018

The Shift Referral Program Just Got Even Better

So, you’ve got lots of friends, colleagues, family member asking you for productivity tricks. ...And since you’re already a Shift Boss, it probably sounds a bit like this: How do you get so much done every day and stay balanced? How did you respond to that email so fast? How did you like my Facebook post less than 1 minute after I published it? How do you keep up with all of your Slack and WhatsApp messages? As much as we all enjoy being a bit smug with our answers to these questions, we enjoy sharing Shift with friends even more… Which is why we created the best referral program ever.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 12 Jul, 2018

The Top Apps for Maximum Productivity & Focus

Want in on a secret? When you have all of the apps that make you productive in one place, getting stuff done gets a lot easier. And while it can be fun to test out new apps as they come on the market, what’s more important is narrowing it down to the ones that make your workflow more effective, and (hopefully) enjoyable.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 27 Jun, 2018

Shift Supports POP & IMAP Accounts!

Do you have a POP or IMAP email account and want to use it in Shift? You can set up a proxy account which can be modified to support your POP/IMAP account.

Mahum Azeem

Developer - 06 Jun, 2018

How to Manage Distractions & Keep Focus in a Noisy Digital Age

Our digital devices are always dinging, flashing, or vibrating with alerts, texts, and reminders, indicating that we are constantly—and in some cases, involuntarily—connected. Information has never been so readily available, or so distracting. With so much competing for our attention, it seems nearly impossible to completely narrow our focus to the right things. But, research shows that focus is actually the gateway to thinking. Meaning that without it, your thinking—and everything else that follows, like productivity, performance, and concentration—suffers.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 30 May, 2018

Gmail Launched A New Web Interface (And We’re All Over It!)

Google described the new interface as a fresh, clean look for Gmail on the web with some exciting additions.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 13 Apr, 2018

On a Lighter Note, Shift Has a Fresh New Theme

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Shift Light—a super clean, bright and beautiful new look for Shift, just in time for Spring. Toggle between Light and Dark Theme and choose a look that suits you.

Nadia Tatlow

CEO - 05 Apr, 2018

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